鄭志富Cheng, Chih-fu曹校章TSAO, Hsiao-Chang2019-09-052010-12-272019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0896300042%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105951本研究以滿意指標模式理論為基礎,解析日月潭國際萬人泳渡嘉年華運動觀光滿意指標模式內涵與現況、比較不同背景變項與參與特性在滿意指標模式各構面認知差異,同時驗證日月潭國際萬人泳渡嘉年華運動觀光滿意指標模式;在量化研究方面,以2010年9月12日實際完成橫渡之運動觀光客544名為研究對象,透過「日月潭國際萬人泳渡嘉年華運動觀光客滿意指標模式問卷」進行調查,並以描述統計、單因子變異數分析、結構方程模式進行資料分析。質性研究方面,透過立意選取運動觀光客9名為研究對象,以深度訪談來瞭解影響運動觀光客滿意指標模式重要因子,綜合量化與質性分析結果,獲致如下結論與建議: 一、運動觀光客以高消費男性青年族群為主,皆透過朋友、親人、同學口碑宣傳以及相互邀約,參與型態多屬於初次體驗。 二、運動觀光客對於活動之形象、期望、服務品質、情緒價值、滿意度與忠誠度之評價屬於良好程度,顯示活動內容符合其期望與需求。 三、男性對於知覺價值感受與忠誠度明顯高於女性,顯示活動內容的服務感覺讓男性運動觀光客感覺物超所值,進而成為高忠誠度族群。 四、本研究運動觀光滿意指標模式,除 GFI 與 AGFI 指標趨近適配標準;活動形象與運動觀光期望構面潛在變項平均抽取量具有聚合效度,其餘構面皆符合適配指標,顯見樣本資料能有效解釋模式內涵與意義。 五、日月潭國際萬人泳渡嘉年華結構方程模式各估計參數路徑,皆達高度解釋力與顯著效果,顯見活動形象會產生高度期望,在參與過程感受之服務與期望吻合時,其價值感會正向影響滿意度,進而提升忠誠度。 六、運動觀光客初次體驗的特性,對於活動展現的健康與優質形象有高度期望,但實際參與時,面對大陸團體素質差異與人潮擁擠現象,造成其活動形象與期望有所落差,進而對滿意度無顯著影響。 基此,在行銷實務上建議鎖定公司或企業為推展目標,同時重視參與者對於各構面關注程度與內涵,提供精緻活動策略與整體規劃,再者,滿足男性喜愛戶外活動之特性,刺激個人內在感受與自我價值突破,並加強女性議題包裝提升女性參與慾望,並且重視參與過程中所重視的救生安全、補給服務與紀念商品,透過異業結盟、企業行銷贊助,增加區域整體經濟效益,另外,主辦單位應加強大陸來訪團體活動宣導與人潮擁擠之缺失,營造優質活動內涵。針對未來研究,可擴大研究對象,建立各運動觀光產業滿意指標模式;或投入影響滿意度之負向構面,以期增加模式理論解釋力與效果,最後發展縱貫性評估調查,檢核主辦單位經營規劃與行銷策略。The study aimed to propose and test a sport tourists’ satisfaction index model of “Sun Moon Lake International Cross-lake Swimming Carnival”, based on the theory of satisfaction indicator model. Quantitative research was done on September 12, 2010 through “the Questionnaire of Sport Tourists’ satisfaction indicator model of Sun Moon Lake International Cross-lake Swimming Carnival” as the instrument and 544 subjects were included. Descriptive Statistics, One-way ANOVA and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were conducted to confirm the satisfaction index model and to compare the difference in perception and participative features among different demographical backgrounds. An additional qualitative research was done on the same date by interviewing 9 subjects through purposive sampling to seek explanation of the model. The conclusions and suggestions were as followed: 1. Most of the subjects are male youths with high consuming capacity. First-time participats occupied a large proportion. Most of them were informed by the recommendation or invitation of friends, relatives or classmates. 2. The evaluations of the activity’s image, expectation, service quality, sentimental value, satisfaction and loyalty were good, indicating that the activity had met the tourists’ expectation and needs. 3. Males scored better in ‘perceived value’ than females, indicating that male tourists were satisfied with the service quality and further became loyal participators. 4. Except for GFI and AGFI indices were barely close to the standards of goodness of fit, the extracted variance of the latent variables in ‘activity’s image’ and ‘sport tourists’ expectation’ had good convergent validity, and the other dimensions had also reached goodness of fit. Therefore, the data could effectively support the model. 5. The Parameter Estimation paths in the SEM of Sun Moon Lake International Cross-lake Swimming Carnival have high significance and explanative strength, indicating that the ‘activity’s image’ had triggered high expectation. Also, when its service meets the expectation, ‘perceived value’ could positively affect ‘satisfaction’, and ‘loyalty’. 6. First-time participats have great expectations in the activity’s healthy image; however, negative feelings from China tourists and crowded streets contributed to the insignificant influence from ‘image’ and ‘expectation’ to ‘satisfaction’. Above all, companies or enterprises are suggested to be the target marketing; meanwhile, marketing planning and strategies should cover all aspect of satisfaction. The male participants’ passion in outdoor activities positively had led to their relatively high perceived value; therefore, more focus should go to female participants. Moreover, security measures, supportive service, souvenirs could be leveled up through inter-industry alliance and sponsorship to increase the benefit of the Sun Moon Lake area. Last but not least, sustainable attention should be paid to the education of China tourists and planning of emergency exit. Three suggestions are offered to the future researches: broader subjects could be included to modify the satisfaction index model, negative dimension of satisfaction could be added to increase the explanative strength of the model, and a vertical evaluation survey could be developed to examine the marketing and sale strategies of the carnival.萬人橫渡日月潭運動觀光客滿意指標模式活動形象運動觀光期望知覺服務品質知覺價值滿意度忠誠度Sun Moon Lake International Cross-lake Carnivalsport touristssatisfaction index modelactivity’s imagesport tourist’ expectationperceived service qualityperceived valuesatisfactionloyalty運動觀光滿意指標模式之研究-以日月潭國際萬人泳渡嘉年華運動觀光客為例A study of Sport Tourists’ Satisfaction Index Model:An example of Sun Moon Lake International Cross-lake Swimming Carnival