何榮桂Ho, Rong-Guey吳思琦Wu, Ssu-Chi2019-08-282021-07-042019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003A02120%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88771本研究旨在探討運用ARCS(Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction)動機模式融入於視覺藝術教學對國小學生學習動機與創意表現之影響。受試者為新北市中和區某國小六年級兩班學生,一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組,研究採不等組前、後測之準實驗設計,實驗組進行為期14週、共計28節課之ARCS動機模式融入視覺藝術教學,課程設計與教學策略掌握ARCS 動機模式四個維度與十二項構成要素之實施要點;控制組採用傳統教學法,以直接闡述等方式進行相同主題課程。研究工具包括:視覺藝術教學方案、視覺藝術動機量表、創意表現評量表、教學回饋表與教學省思紀錄表,所得數據以單因子共變數分析等統計方法進行探究,輔以質性資料描述與詮釋,分析受試者在不同的教學策略下其學習動機與創意表現之差異情形,以及對本教學課程之反應。本研究之發現如下: 一、ARCS動機模式融入視覺藝術教學能有效提升學生學習動機。 二、ARCS動機模式融入視覺藝術教學能有效提升學生創意表現。 三、學生對於ARCS動機模式融入視覺藝術教學多持正向與肯定的態度。 依據上述研究結果,研究者提出相關建議,供後續研究與教學實務之應用及參考。The purpose of this study is to explore the effect on learning motivation and creative performance with the infusion of ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) motivation model into elementary school visual arts instructional program. Two classes of the sixth graders in elementary school in Zhonghe District of New Taipei City were selected as the subjects. One class served as the experiment group, while the other class as the control group. This study adopted a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent pretest-posttest as the research pattern. The experiment group accepted 14 weeks, totally 28 classes of the ARCS motivation model into the visual arts instructional program, while the control group took the general instruction. The study tools consisted of visual arts instructional program, visual arts motivational survey, creative performance rating sheets, students’ feedback questionnaires and teaching reflection records. All the quantitative data are analyzed through one-way ANCOVA and supplemented by the qualitative data description. Qualitative measure helped explore the differences in the subjects’ learning motivation and creative performances under different instructional strategies and understand the subjects’ feelings during the experiment. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. The infusion of ARCS motivation model into elementary school visual arts instructional program promotes students’ learning motivation effectively. 2. The infusion of ARCS motivation model into elementary school visual arts instructional program improves students’ creative performance effectively. 3. Most Students have positive attitudes toward the infusion of ARCS motivation model into elementary school visual arts instructional program. Based on the research conclusion, suggestions are given on courses, teaching and researches and may serve as further references for teachers and researchers.ARCS視覺藝術教學學習動機創意表現ARCSvisual arts instructional programmotivationcreative performanceARCS動機模式融入視覺藝術教學對國小學生學習動機與創意表現之影響The Effect on Learning Motivation and Creative Performance with the infusion of ARCS Motivation Model into Elementary School Visual Arts Instructional Program