林美娟陳榮慶CHEN, Rung-Ching2019-08-292019-7-312019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060008013E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92836本研究旨在彙整與分析資訊科技工具應用於中小學物理概念教學之概況。研究者以系統性文獻分析法,從6個電子資料庫中收集2000至2012年間發表之相關文獻共69篇,而後針對這些文獻所報導的資訊科技融入物理科教學案例進行資料萃取,再將所萃取的資料依國別、教育階段、軟/硬體工具、物理概念做描述性統計的整體呈現。研究結果顯示,69篇文獻中以美國教育研究機構所發表的篇數最多(17篇);資訊科技融入物理科教學主要集中在高中階段(34篇);以資訊科技輔助學習的11項物理概念中,運動學與電學兩者合計佔了超過半數(52.17%)的案例;物理教學所使用的硬體工具以桌上型電腦為主,另亦常見搭配周邊設備(例如探測器、攝影機、機器人等)使用的案例。在質性資料方面,本研究以教學中所使用的軟體為主軸,依其功能分為教學軟體(包含教導式、模擬式、練習式、遊戲式以及測驗軟體等5類)與工具軟體(包含CSCL軟體、概念地圖軟體以及資料分析軟體等3類)。分析結果顯示,在8個軟體分類中,模擬式軟體出現的比例最高(40.6%),主要用於模擬物理實驗過程或物理現象;其他如練習式軟體、遊戲式軟體、CSCL軟體及概念地圖軟體亦散見不同的案例中。本研究另以美國科學促進會(AAAS) 所制定之十三項「科學過程技能」分析案例中的學習活動,結果發現:在科學過程技能的培養方面,除了「實驗」技能之外,其餘十二項(諸如觀察、分類、應用數字、測量、傳達、預測、推理等等)均有對應的教學案例。所分析的69篇文獻同時顯示,資訊科技工具所支援的學習活動展現了「以學生為主」、「學生以自己的步調學習」、及「學生自行建構知識」等建構式學習理論所倡導的原則。This study aims to compile and analyze the concepts of information technology(IT)tools used in physics teaching of primary and secondary schools. Researchers collected 69 relevant literatures through six electronic databases by systematic review during the period 2000 to 2012. Afterward, we involved the cases of physics teaching and extracted the information in the literatures of IT. This study performs the descriptive statistics by country, education level, hardware tools, software tools, and physical concepts. The result of this research indicates that, among 69 literatures, most of the articles are published by the United States of educational and research institutes (17); the major distribution of physics teaching that involves ICT is in high school (34). Among all the 11 physical concepts of ICT-assisted learning, over one-half (52.17%) of them are Kinematics and Electrical Science. The tools used by physics teaching is dominated by desktop computer, also, cases that use peripheral devices such as detectors, cameras, and robots are wildly seen. In terms of qualitative data, we take software that is wildly used in teaching as our major research target, and separate them as instruction software and software tools according to the functionalities. There are 5 types of instruction software, tutorial, simulation, drill-and-practice, games and tests. And there are 3 kinds of software tools, CSCL software, concepts of mapping software and data analysis software. The result indicates that, among 8 categories of the software, simulation software, mainly used to simulate the physical experiment or physical phenomena, has the highest proportion (40.6%), and other software (such as drill-and -practice software, games software, CSCL software and concept mapping software) also distributed in different cases. We also analysis the learning activities in the case studies through the 13 science process skills developed by American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS). The result shows that, within the development of science process skills, besides experiment skills; the remaining twelve skills (such as observation, classification, application numbers, measurement, communication, forecasting, reasoning, etc.)have corresponding teaching cases. The analysis of 69 literatures also shows that the ICT tools supported learning activities depict the principles raised by the constructivist learning theory such as" student-centered", "students learn at their own pace", and "students construct their own knowledge".資訊科技融入教學物理科教學系統性文獻評析科學過程技能Integrating ICT into Instructionphysics instructionsystematic reviewScience process skills資訊科技工具應用於中小學物理科教學 之系統性文獻分析Use of ICT Tools in Teaching Physics in K-12 Schools: A Systematic Review