李恆儒Lee, Heng-Ju曾淯廷Tzeng, Yu-Ting2023-12-082023-08-162023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/14026abea8503493644ecfa7cb59e279/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121471目的: 探討無重建運動員與前十字韌帶重建之運動員,進行單腳著地反彈跳時,其垂直勁度、髖、膝及踝關節勁度的不對稱性差異,及重建者健患側上述參數的差異。方法: 招募10名無重建與10名前十字韌帶重建的運動員;使用10部Vicon紅外線攝影機 (200Hz),1塊Kistler測力板 (1000Hz);參與者從30公分高的木箱,進行3次成功的單腳著地反彈跳;計算第一次觸地至質心最低點的垂直勁度、髖關節勁度、膝關節勁度與踝關節勁度,再進行對稱性指數的計算;統計方法以獨立樣本t檢定進行組別分析,及皮爾森積差相關分析前十字韌帶重建者垂直勁度,分別與髖、膝及踝關節勁度的關係,再以成對樣本t檢定,分析重建者兩側垂直勁度與髖、膝及踝關節勁度的差異 (α = .05)。結果: 無重建與重建者垂直勁度對稱性指數有達顯著差異 (p = .041),對稱性指數分別為108.2 ± 9.0與99.0 ± 8.6,而兩組人的髖關節勁度對稱性指數也達顯著差異 (p = .011),對稱性指數分別為72.3 ± 21.5與108.5 ± 32.7;重建者垂直勁度對稱性與下肢三關節勁度對稱性皆未達顯著相關 (p< .05);重建者其非重建側與重建側之垂直勁度、三關節勁度皆未達顯著差異 (p < .05)。結論:兩組人中非重建者對稱性較差,非慣用腳有較大的垂直勁度,與較小的髖關節勁度,如此落地模式可能會增加受傷的機率;重建者的三關節都是影響身體落地時受力的關鍵;重建者雙側的各個勁度數值沒有顯著差異,但膝蓋的角度及力矩顯著較小,此特性可能會增加前十字韌帶受傷的風險。Purpose: This study aims to explore the disparities in vertical, hip, knee, and ankle stiffness between athletes who underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) and those who did not, while also analyzing the variations in these parameters between the unaffected and affected sides of ACLR athletes. Methods: A total of ten non-reconstructed athletes and ten athletes with ACLR were enrolled for this investigation. Kinematic data were captured using ten VICON cameras (200Hz), while kinetic data were acquired through a Kistler force plate (1000Hz). The participants were instructed to execute three successful trials of single-leg drop jumps. The statistical analysis employed independent sample t-tests, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and paired sample t-tests with a significance level of α = .05. Results: A statistically significant distinction (p = 0.041) emerged in the vertical stiffness LSI (limb symmetry index) between the non-reconstructed and ACLR groups. However, within the ACLR group, there was no noteworthy correlation observed between the vertical stiffness LSI and the stiffness of the three joints (p < 0.05). Moreover, no substantial differences were detected in vertical stiffness and joint stiffness across the two sides of the ACLR group (p< 0.05). Conclusion: The non-reconstructed group displayed higher vertical stiffness and decreased hip joint stiffness on their non-dominant side, potentially raising the susceptibility to injury. In the context of ACLR athletes, all three joints—hip, knee, and ankle—hold equal importance during landings. Notably, dissimilarities in knee angle and moment were found between both sides of ACLR group, indicating an elevated load on the reconstructed ACL and an increased likelihood of injury.前十字韌帶傷害重回運動場勁度雙側差異anterior cruciate ligament injuryreturn to sportstiffnessbilateral discrepancy前十字韌帶重建者單腳著地反彈跳之勁度與不對稱性分析Analysis of single-leg drop jump stiffness and asymmetry in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed athletesetd