李晶Ching Li呂雅芸Ya-Yun Lue2019-09-052008-6-122019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695310224%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107714本研究目的主要探討舉辦生態旅遊校外教學考量因素。藉由舉辦生態旅遊校外教學情形,以及教師基本資料變項,來探討對生態旅遊校外教學考量因素之影響。本研究方法採用問卷施測,根據台北市議員六大選區範圍,依比例進行台北市國民小學教師抽樣。調查期間為2008年2月至3月,有效樣本為398份,回收率為77%。所得資料經分析後,研究結論為:1. 本次調查教師分佈為以31-40歲的已婚女性教師居多,教育程度為大學比例最高,教學服務年資多在10年以下,任教語文科目和高年級者教師最多;教師任職行政區以士林區人數最多,調查學校規模以13-48班級數目居多;整體教師生態旅遊認知偏向認同。2. 調查生態旅遊性質校外教學舉辦情形結果,6成教師普遍認為自然與生活科技、綜合活動、社會科目,最適合生態旅遊校外教學發展;且有將近6成之教師有舉辦生態旅遊性質之校外教學。3. 教師對舉辦生態旅遊的校外教學考量因素偏向重要。4. 教師服務年資、任職行政區、生態旅遊認知對舉辦生態旅遊性質校外教學有顯著差異;教師性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、服務年資、任教年級集群、任職行政區、生態旅遊認知對舉辦生態旅遊的校外教學考量因素有顯著差異。5. 教師舉辦次數、年級、時間、同行者人數、生態旅遊性質校外教學情形集群對舉辦生態旅遊的校外教學考量因素有顯著差異。而研究結果提供舉辦者和生態旅遊活動地,做為舉辦學童生態旅遊校外教學之參考依據。The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of ecotourism perspective on outdoor education programming. By holding ecotourism of outdoor education programming and teachers’ demographic variables, this study explored the difference of the impact of ecotourism perspective on outdoor education programming. The method was survey with questionnaires. Data were collected from 6 administrative districts of elementary school teachers in Taipei city. There were 398 effective samples collected,and response rate was 77%. The results of this study were: 1. The teachers’ population descriptive statistical analysis found that the teachers were mostly female between 31 to 40 years, married, bachelor’s degree, served less than 10 year, taught linguistic course and in senior students, from Shihlin district, schools’ scales were mostly from 13 to 48 classes, and had importance degree of ecotourism perception. 2. More than 60% of the teachers thought that “science and life technology“, “integrative activity”, and “society” were suitable for holding outdoor education. Nearly 60% the teachers held outdoor education programming for ecotourism. 3. The teachers rated the impact of ecotourism perspective on outdoor education programming as importance degree. 4. The teachers’ years to be employed, administrative districts, ecotourism perception had a significance on the impact of ecotourism perspective on outdoor education programming. Moreover, the teachers’ gender, age, marital status, education level, years of employment, the grade of students they taught, district, ecotourism perception had significant difference on the impact of ecotourism perspective on outdoor education programming. 5. Teachers holding ecotourism of outdoor education programming had significance on the impact of ecotourism perspective on outdoor education programming. The results suggested planners and ecotourism holders to choose or plan children outdoor education programming.生態旅遊生態旅遊認知校外教學EcotourismEcotourism perceptionOutdoor Education Programming以生態旅遊為基礎探討國小學童校外教學考量因素-以台北市國小教師為例The Study on the Impact of Ecotourism Perspective on Outdoor Education Programming in Taipei Elementary School Teachers.