呂建政傅仁鵬2019-08-282010-1-202019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095073218%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88374 本研究的主要目的,在探討高屏區童軍服務員所應具備的專業知能,瞭解童軍服務員對於專業發展的需求,比較分析不同背景變項在專業知能的重要性、實際現況及專業發展需求之差異情形;最後探討童軍服務員專業知能的重要性、實際現況及專業發展需求之相關情形。以針對童軍服務員專業發展需求提出具體之建議,作為提昇童軍服務員專業成長之參考。 本研究主要以量化問卷調查法並輔以質性個別訪談法進行研究,問卷調查以高高屏三縣市實際參與童軍團務運作之童軍服務員為研究對象,並以自編「童軍服務員專業發展需求問卷」為研究工具;個別訪談則以六名童軍服務員為訪談對象,進行研究。量化研究資料分析,分別以次數分配、百分比分析、算數平均數、標準差、t考驗分析、單因子變異數分析及皮爾遜積差相關等統計分析,進行假設考驗;質性部分則以訪談來分析童軍服務員對專業發展需求認知、現況、困境及策略的看法。最後根據研究發現提出結論及建議。 綜合文獻探討及研究結果獲得以下結論: 一、童軍服務員應具備的專業知能 (一)童軍服務員應具備的專業知能內涵應涵蓋「一般教育專業知能」、「童軍活動專業知能」、「童軍教學專業知能」及「專業知能提升」等四個構面。「組織經營管理」、「課程規畫」、「溝通與協調」、「童軍理論知識」、「實際操作技能」、「輔導與評鑑」、「教學理論運用」、「教學實施」、「專業進修」」及「自我成長」等十個層面。 (二)高屏區童軍服務員對整體專業知能重要性之認知程度平均值為3.96,大致認為很重要。在各構面、各層面及各題項專業知能重要性之認知程度趨向「重要」,介於重要至非常重要之間。 (三)高屏區童軍服務員在專業知能重要性認知程度上,會因為性別、目前擔任職務及團主辦單位性質等背景變項的不同而有顯著性差異。 二、高屏區服務員專業知能的自我認知現況 (一)高屏區童軍服務員對整體專業知能實際狀況之認知程度平均值為3.16,大致認為符合。在各構面專業知能實際狀況之認知程度趨向「符合」,介於符合至很符合之間。在各層面及各題項專業知能實際狀況認知程度上有所差異,介於很符合至不符合之間。 (二)高屏區童軍服務員在專業知能實際現況認知程度上,會因為年齡、童軍服務員年資、擔任服務員前的童軍年資及童軍訓練專業背景等背景變項的不同而有顯著性差異。 三、高屏區童軍服務員專業發展的需求 (一)高屏區童軍服務員對整體專業發展之需求程度平均值為3.46,大致認為需要。各構面、各層面及各題項專業專業發展之需求程度趨向「需要」,介於需要至很需要之間。 (二)高屏區童軍服務員在專業發展之需求程度上,會因為性別、年齡、服務員年資不同、童軍服務員年資、童軍訓練專業背景、團所屬縣市及團主辦單位性質等背景變項的不同而有顯著性差異。 四、高屏區童軍服務員專業知能重要性、實際現況與專業發展需求之相關 (一)童軍服務員整體專業知能重要性之認知程度與專業知能實際狀況之認知程度達顯著正相關,依其相關係數屬於「中度相關」。 (二)童軍服務員整體專業知能重要性之認知程度與專業發展之需求程度達顯著正相關,依其相關係數屬於「中度相關」。 (三)童軍服務員整體專業知能實際狀況之認知程度與專業發展之需求程度達顯著正相關,依其相關係數屬於「中度相關」。 最後依據研究結果歸納之結論,分別對培訓機構、高屏區童軍服務員,以及後續相關研究者提出具體參考的建議。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the professional competency which should be possessed by scout leaders in Kaohsiung-Pingtung area; to realize scout leaders’ needs for the professional development; to compare and analyze the differences how background variables affect the professional development in the perspectives of importance, reality, and needs; finally, to look into the overall related condition of the previous three perspectives. Based upon the study, the practical suggestions are proposed and can be employed as the reference for promoting scout leaders’ professional development. This study was conducted by questionnaire as well as interviews. The questionnaire was preformed among the scout leaders who are practically operating scout groups. It was a self-edited questionnaire of “the needs of scout leaders’ professional development”; Personal interviews were performed among six scout leaders. The quantitative results was analyzed by using “ frequency distribution”, “percentage analysis”, “arithmetic mean”, “standard deviation”, “T test analysis”, “ANOVA”, and “Pearson product-moment correlation” to challenge the hypothesis; For qualitative, it was analyzed from the interview results with their recognition in current status, difficulties, and strategies. The results are demonstrated as below: A. The professional competency which a scout leader should have: I. A scout leader should own professional competency which covered four perspectives of “general educational knowledge”, “professional competency of scout activities”, “professional teaching skills of scout “, and “advanced professional knowledge”. There are 10 areas in “organization management”, “lesson plan”, “communication& negotiation”, “scout theory”, “practical skills”, “consulting & assessment”, “teaching theory”, “teaching implementation”, “professional advance”, “self-growth”. II. The average score for Kaohsiung-Pingtung area scout leaders in recognizing the importance of professional competency is 3.96. In general, they feel it is important. In above perspectives and areas, their answers are between “important” and “very important”. III. The survey varied by genders, positions, scout operating groupsamong Kaohsiung-Pingtung area scout leaders in their recognition of professional competency. B. Kaohsiung-Pingtung area scout leaders’ current self-recognition about their professional competency: I. The average score for Kaohsiung-Pingtung area scout leaders in recognizing the conformance of the professional competency to their practical needs is 3.16. In general, they feel it meets their needs. In above perspectives, their answers are between “match” and “very match”. In above areas, their answers are between “not match” and “very match”. II. Their answers vary significantly by the ages, scout leader service years, scout experience, and scout professional training background C. The needs of professional development for Kaohsiung-Pingtung area scout leaders: I. The average score for Kaohsiung-Pingtung area scout leaders in recognizing the needs of the professional competency development is 3.46. In general, they feel the needs. In above perspectives and areas, their answers to each item are between “required” and “much required”. II. Their answers about the needs for professional development vary significantly by the genders, ages, scout leader service years, scout experience, scout professional training background, the scout operating groups and their locations. D. The correlation of Kaohsiung-Pingtung area scout leaders’ recognition towards the importance of professional competency, conformance of it, and needs of it are: I. The correlation between “the recognition for the importance of professional competency” and “the conformance of professional competency” is positively correlated. Judging by the correlation, it’s a “moderate correlation”. II. The correlation between “the recognition for the importance of professional competency” and “the needs of professional competency” is positively correlated. Judging by the correlation, it’s a “moderate correlation”. III. The correlation between “ the conformance of professional competency” and “ the needs of professional competency” is positively correlated. Judging by the correlation, it’s a “moderate correlation”. The results conducted from the survey will be provided to training institutions, Kaohsiung-Pingtung area scout leader, and also to later researchers for reference and advice.專業知能需求評估童軍服務員professional competencyneeds assessmentscout leader高屏區童軍服務員專業發展需求之研究