許誌庭2014-10-272014-10-272002-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/19060教育做為壓迫的工具,較之啟發學生潛能更令人印象深刻。透過對傳統教育目的、課程內容與師生關係等論述的重新檢視,批判教育學者指出教育的文化、政治本質,目的在為統治者做出貢獻。在此種不利的情境下,批判教育學的任務便在於重新賦予生反抗的力量,其中的關鍵在於老師必須成為「轉化型的知識份子」然而概念論述與行動實踐間的落差,仍需在具體的情境中加以檢視。基於此,本文一方面闡述教師做為「轉化型知識份子」的理路發展,一方面以臺灣國小教師所處的實際情境為具體脈絡,檢視教師做為「轉化型知識份子」的可能性與限制。最後則提出在臺灣的教學現場脈絡之下,教師做為「轉化型知識份子」的可行實踐方向。Education as a tool of oppression is too often more powerful than as a source of inspiration for students to develop their potentiality. By reexamining traditional discourse related to educational goals, curricula and teacher-student relations, critical educators point out that the politico-cultural factor is the real essence of education. Its ends are in the hands of the rulers. The notion of“Teachers as Tranformative Intellectuals.”is the foundation for critical educators to empower teachers and students to resist such oppression can be achieved. The first purpose of this article is to examine the development of concepts of teachers' roles offered by Critical Pedagogy. The second aim is to evaluate Taiwan's real schooling to determine the possibilities and limits when such concepts may be realized. Finally, the author brings up some principles governing the practices of“Teachers as Tranformative Intellectuals.”批判教育學教師角色轉化型知識份子Critical pedagogyTeachers' roleTransformative intellectuals教師做為轉化型知識份子的可能性、限制與實踐方向Teachers as the Transformative Intellectuals: Possibilities, Limits and Practices