杞昭安王遠敏WANG.YUAN.MIN2019-08-282007-12-262019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0594091315%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91642本研究旨在瞭解台南縣市、國中教師對普通班身心障礙學生之教育態度及其相關影響因素。本研究採問卷調查法,針對任教身心障礙學生之普通班教師為研究對象,有效樣本172名,以自編問卷「國中教師對普通班身心障礙學生之教育態度」為研究工具,將所得資料進行t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及迴歸分析等進行資料分析,藉以瞭解國中教師對普通班身心障礙學生教育態度之現況,主要結果如下: 一、國中教師對普通班身心障礙學生的教育態度,雖不積極,但尚趨於正向。各向度得分由高至低的順序為「行動傾向」、「認知」層面、「情意」層面。 二、國中教師對普通班身心障礙學生的教育態度,以「會關心班級中身心障礙學生的學習及學校生活」的得分最高;「會進行班級宣導,避免身心障礙學生被排斥」的得分次之;「應給予其適性的學習內容」居第三高分。 三、國中教師對普通班身心障礙學生的教育態度,以「會關注身心障礙學生的優勢能力」的得分最低;「身心障礙學生不會影響教學進度」、「教師認為身心障礙學生能融入同儕的社交生活圈」的得分次之。 四、就整體教育態度得分而言,會因教師的性別、職務不同而有差異。 五、就整體教育態度得分而言,不因教師年齡、學歷背景、教學年資、特教專業知能、宗教信仰及學校規模而有所差異。 六、「學校行政」、「專業知能」、「學生的障礙情形」及「家長參與班級活動」四個變項對教師教育態度之預測,各向度對教師態度的預測均有正向的影響,又以教師「專業知能」變項對教育態度的影響最大,預測力也最佳。A Survey Study of Junior High School Teachers’ Education Attitude toward Students with Disabilities in Regular Class Abstract This study aimed to understand the education attitude of junior high school teachers in Tainan County and City toward students with disabilities in regular class and correlated factors. Questionnaire survey was adopted, and a total of 172 regular class teachers with students with disabilities were selected as research subjects. The self-redacted “Survey on the education attitude of junior high school teachers toward students with disabilities in regular class” was used as a research tool. The collected results were further processed with t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and regression analysis to understand current junior high school teachers’ attitude toward students with disabilities in regular class. The main findings were as follows: 1.Junior high school teachers’ education attitude toward students with disabilities in regular class was not active but positive. "Action orientation” was the dimension with the highest scores, followed by “cognition” and “affection”. 2.In junior high school teachers’ attitude toward students with disabilities in regular class, “care for the learning and campus life of students with disabilities in class” received the highest scores, followed by “providing guidance in class to avoid students with disabilities from being estranged” and “providing appropriate learning contents”. 3.Among the aspects of education attitude held by high school teachers toward students with disabilities in regular class, “care for the advantageous competence of students with disabilities” received the lowest score, followed by “students with disabilities do not affect the teaching progress” and “teachers conceive that students with disabilities are able to have social interactions with peers”. 4.Overall, different genders (female > male) and positions (teachers taking administrative positions > homeroom teachers) led to different scores of education attitude. 5.Generally, teachers' education attitude was not affected by age, education background, duration of teaching, professional knowledge about special education, religious belief, and school scale. 6.Four variables, including “school administration”, “professional knowledge”, “student’s disabilities”, and “parental participation in class activities” had positive impacts on the prediction of teachers’ education attitude in every aspect. “Professional knowledge” was most influential to teachers’ education attitude and had the highest predicting power.教育態度身心障礙國中教師就讀普通班education attitudedisabilitiesjunior high school teachersstudy in regular class國中教師對普通班身心障礙學生教育態度之研究