程瑞福Chen, Jui-Fu蕭芳潔Hsiao, Fang-Chieh2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007344127%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111975本研究旨在探討國家交響樂團營運及績效評鑑情形、面臨的困境與未來發展的方向。首先藉由文件分析瞭解國家交響樂團之組織架構、營運管理制度與成效、績效評鑑制度與結果,並透過訪談進一步探討分析其面臨的困境與未來發展方面。依相關文件內容與訪談結果進行分析與探討,所得結論如下: 一、國家交響樂團定位為專業且具藝術性之交響樂團,採專業之音樂總監制。 二、國家交響樂團以行政法人運作,營運管理有完整之制度規範及監督機制。收入來源主要為政府補助款,支出項目主要為用人費用與演藝成本。 三、國家交響樂團2014至2018年評鑑結果皆為優良,評鑑委員對演出品質及創新成長提出肯定,觀眾培養及財務構面等則仍有成長改善的空間。 四、政府補助款不穩定,用人費用及演藝成本高,票房、邀演及贊助收入增加難度高,財務結構穩健為國家交響樂團需面對的挑戰與困難。 五、深耕台灣音樂市場,持續經營在地愛樂族群,拓展亞洲版圖,建構樂團品牌走向國際,為國家交響樂團未來幾年來重要的努力方向。 基於上述結果,建議確認國家交響樂團的定位,維持政府補助款的穩定性。國家交響樂團亦應主動擴展收入來源、增加社會參與,提高品牌能見度,以維持樂團之永續發展。This study aims to discuss the operation and performance evaluation of the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) as well as its current predicaments and future development directions. The research starts with analyzing relevant documents to learn the NSO’s organizational architecture, operational management system and effectiveness, and performance evaluation system and results, and then, through interviews, further explores and analyzes its current difficulties and future development directions. The following are conclusions drawn from analyzing document contents and interview findings. 1.The NSO is positioned as a professional and artistic symphony orchestra, and adopts a dedicated music director system. 2.The NSO operates as an administrative legal entity with complete operations management system regulations and supervisory mechanism. Its revenues mainly come from government subsidies, and expenditures mostly cover personnel and performing costs. 3.The NSO was all rated “excellent” in performance evaluations from 2014-2018. Its performing quality and innovation growth were well recognized by evaluation members, yet still with room left for improving audience cultivation and financial structures. 4.Unstable government grants, high personnel expenses and performing costs, and growing difficulties in increasing box office, invited performance and sponsorship incomes are the challenges and predicaments the NSO has to face and tackle in stabilizing its financial structures. 5.Deeply cultivating Taiwan music market, continuously developing its local base of music fans, expanding its market presence in Asia, and building its own brand to further go international will constitute crucial directions for efforts the NSO should intensify in the next few years. Based on the conclusions, it has been proposed that the NSO confirm its position and maintain the stability of government subsidies. The NSO should also take the initiative to expand income sources, increase social participation, and boost brand visibility, so as to keep its sustainable development.交響樂團營運管理績效評鑑symphony orchestraoperation managementperformance evaluation國家交響樂團營運與績效評鑑之研究A Study on Operation and Performance Evaluation of National Symphony Orchestra