胡心慈黃明雄2019-08-282010-8-32019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693090052%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91800本研究以一位領有智能障礙手冊並育有子女的女性為研究對象,並邀請另外兩位重要關係人一同參與研究。採取敘事研究方法,主要透過訪談,佐以觀察,探究智能障礙女性的育兒經驗。 經過資料蒐集、分析與詮釋,研究者先以縱向的連續性敘說,依序呈現研究對象十八年來的歷程,再以橫向的主要境遇描寫,描繪發生在她身上,那些跨階段,且影響著她育兒經驗的關鍵要素。 本研究的發現如下: 一、研究對象在婆家及先生身上鮮少得到支持,甚至成為其壓力來源 二、研究對象在教養能力及家庭經濟上遇到顯著的困難 三、研究對象常遭受社會大眾的排斥或異樣眼光 四、因為教養能力的欠缺,面對孩子的行為問題,研究對象只能以蠻力制止, 進而造成其身體上的傷害 五、研究對象承受了來自孩子、先生、經濟及異樣眼光的龐大壓力 六、研究對象雖遭遇諸多困境,但其母親則是一股強大而重要的支持力量 七、除了母親的支持外,研究對象也曾零星地受到他人的支援或社會資源的援助 總體而言,研究對象在育兒的經驗上是苦多於樂,她需要更多自我決定的機會、更多的陪伴與支持、更多的專業協助、更多的接納與尊重,亦即從生態的角度提供其所需的援助,讓這條育兒的路走的更加順暢。This study described one study case, a mother, who has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability. In addition, the statements of two interviewees crucially important to this womanwere involved. This study conducted the method of a narrative study and it explored how a woman with an intellectual disability raised her child mainly through interviewing and partly through observing. Through gathering, analyzing and explaining the information, the researcher presented vertically the process of the study case's life over these eighteen years in sequence by using a continue narrative way.Subsequently, the researcher used a horizontal description of main events to present those key factors which happened to the study case in the different stages of her life had a great impact on how she raised and taught her child. The finding of this study included: (a) the study case eldom obtained supports from her husband as well as the husband's family; and further, she almost weighed down by their stress; (b) the study case had apparent difficulties in her capability in raising as well as teaching the child and she was in financial difficulties; (c) the study case often suffered exclusion and unfair judgment from the society;(d) because the study case lacked capability of raising as well as teaching her child, she could only use physical strength to put a stop to her child's behavior problems; however, this approach caused physical injury to herself; (e) the study case endured high stress from her child, husband, family economy and the society; (f) although the study case was in such a difficult position, fortunately, she obtained a strong as well as principal support from her mother; besides, she intermittently obtained some people's assistance and social aids. In conclusion, there were more bitters than sweets to the study case when she raised and taught her child. She needed more opportunities to self-determine, more company as well as supports, more professional assistance, and more acceptance as well as respect, that is, she needed more necessary aids from an ecological point in order to make her raise her child more successfully.智能障礙母親育兒經驗敘說研究質性研究intellectual disabilitiesmotherthe experience of raising and teaching childrennarrative studyqualitative study我不笨,我是他媽媽~一位智能障礙女性的育兒經驗敘說