范世平劉馥瑜2019-08-282019-2-262019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060036005F%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85622中國大陸與土耳其兩個看似沒有關係的國家,其實從很久以前就開始有互動,冷戰期間受到國際局勢的影響沒有太多互動。兩國在1971年建交,冷戰結束後兩國間的交流越來越頻繁,甚至在2010年進行聯合空軍演習,同時習近平在上任前後訪問土耳其,足以見到土耳其在中國大陸眼中的重要性。本文之目的在於探討胡錦濤時期兩國間的互動,負面的有疆獨問題及能源的競爭,疆獨問題長期存在兩國關係中,大陸方面絕對不願意退讓的。兩國在政治、戰略上的互動良好,貿易額也越來越大,同時土耳其到中國大陸的留學生也越來越多。整體來說,儘管有負面因素存在,雙方的關係仍朝正面發展。The relation between China and Turkey started a long time ago, but due to international situation two of them did not interact much during the cold war period. Diplomatic relationship between the two countries was established in 1971, after the cold war, two of them had much more cooperation than the past. Even though the East Turkestan Movement remained a problem between the two countries, the relationship between them was still getting closer during the Hu- Jintao period. Trade between the two countries increased and two of them cooperated in the realm of politics and military, a joint military exercise was even being held during the year 2010. Even though the problem of East Turkestan remained, by and large, relation between the two countries improved.中國大陸土耳其疆獨東突Sino-TurkishChinaTurkeyEast Turkestan胡錦濤時期中國大陸與土耳其政治經濟關係發展之研究A study on Sino-Turkish Relationship during Hu-Jintao Period