國立臺灣師範大學東亞學系潘鳳娟2014-10-302014-10-302010-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/32593學界對清初駐北京之法籍耶穌會士韓國英(Pierre-Martial Cibot, 1727-1780)的研究仍在起步階段,而且討論的內容多著重在其園藝、中國語言與醫學相關的著作。而他的《中國古今孝道》(Doctrine ancienne et nouvelle des Chinois sur la piété filiale, 1779)一書所譯介並西傳法國之清帝國孝道文獻,無論在中國經典歐譯史或是中國對近代法國的影響,都有相當貢獻,但學界對此仍相當陌生。韓國英強調他的選文標準是「帝國文獻」(oeuvres Impériales),即與他同時代的官方孝道文本為譯介對象。從此書內容觀察,我發現韓國英實聚焦皇權,凸顯中國皇帝之宇宙性大家長角色,以譯介方式將清帝國孝道文獻傳回法國。此舉一則將中國聖王與法國國王作對比,一則似乎也藉此向歐洲讀者證實這些帝國文獻中的孝道在中國是實踐中的德行。值得注意的是,此書收入韓氏與錢德明(Joseph Marie Amiot, 1718-1793)等人合編之《關於中國之記錄》(Mémoires concernant l'histoire, les sciences, les arts, les moeurs, les usages des Choinois, par les missionaries des Pékin, 1776-1793, 1814, 16 vols.)第四卷,由法王出資規劃,且出版時間與法國近代的關鍵時刻相近,箇中關連值得深入探究。再者,韓國英對中國帝國孝道文獻的譯介手法與其譯本產生的效應,若從當代文化翻譯學者L. Venuti所提「異化翻譯」理論來評析,韓氏之中國孝道的譯介作品似也支持了他所提此等翻譯將對目的語(法國)文化價值體系提出挑戰,甚至重構的主張。此計畫將借用此翻譯理論之方析方法,評析韓國英譯介清帝國孝道文獻的具體內容,及其對近代法國所提出的挑戰。 祭祖作為孝道的實踐方式之一曾經是中國禮儀之爭的爭辯核心,作為《孝經》歐譯與流傳的一環,目前學界對韓國英,尤其對他的譯介工作仍相當陌生,研究成果相當有限。本計畫將從原始資料耙梳整理,解析韓國英譯介中國孝道文獻的貢獻與影響。Recent studies of the Jesuit Pierre-Martial Cibot (1727-1780) focus on his scientific works concerning Chinese botany, language and medical science, I would rather like to draw the scholarly attention to his rarely investigated works on the translation and interpretation of Chinese classics. I proposes to examine the way Cibot translated and interpreted the Chinese late imperial texts on filial piety published in his Doctrine ancienne et nouvelle des Chinois sur la piété filiale (henceforth: Doctrine) in Paris, 1779. Cibot emphasized that the texts selected in his Doctrine were “les oeuvres Impériales” (the imperial works) rather than “les oeuvres littéraires” (literary works). His Doctrine was indeed published as the fourth volume of the most influential sinology collection in the history of early modern France: Mémoires concernant l'histoire, les sciences, les arts, les moeurs, les usages des Choinois, par les missionaries des Pékin (Paris, 1776-1793, 1814, 16 vols) which was funded and organised by French King Louis XV and his minister Henri Bertin. In his Doctrine, Cibot selected twelve texts on Chinese filial piety; covered from Emperor Shunzhi to Emperor Qianglong. I will rather restrict the scope of my project to the texts in Kanghsi’s reign because the Jesuits used him as the ideal figure to manifest that the reality and possibility of an advanced moral society reigned by a wise King and thus, interesting enough, challenged the present situation of French society and state. The impact of Cibot’s Doctrine on the development of France in early modern time merits further investigation. Moreover, as a methodology of my text analysis for this project, inspired by Lawence Venuti’s theory of foreignizing translation, I will try to see how, as a missionary to China, Cibot inturn transmitted Chinese tradition to Europe by translation and thus challenged or even reconstructed France’s culture and value system. In the Chinese Rites Controversy, the true meaning Chinese ancestral rite as a way of xiao (the filial piety) was one of the debated topics. Therefore, I also want to see how Cibot’s emphasis on xiao’s imperial character in his Doctrine contributed to this controversy as well as the role he played in the context of the history of Xiaojing’s transmission to Europe.韓國英孝康熙耶穌會異化翻譯Pierre-Martial CibotXiaojingFilial pietyEmperor Kang-hiJesuit in Chinaforeignizing translation孝道、帝國文獻與翻譯Filial Piety, Imperial Texts and Translation法籍耶穌會士韓國英與清初孝道文獻的西傳Pierre-Martial Cibot and His Doctrine Des Chinois Sur La Piete Filiale (1779)