張佳榮Chang, Chia-Jung李美侖Li, Mei-Lun2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/727c4b0826e4a77d8f26b6610f37e31a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120222本研究旨在探討我國電信市場在自由化政策下的發展,從2G、3G、4G到最新的5G技術與服務演進,使得電信市場日益成熟。然而,市場同時也面臨過度飽和和激烈競爭的挑戰。因此,電信業者必須不僅積極提高用戶數和擴大市場佔有率,還需致力於建立完善的用戶信用評等機制,並採取適當的催收策略,以減少債信不良用戶產生的壞帳,從而避免侵蝕來之不易的利基。依據本研究動機和目的,發展出研究架構,並運用紮根理論進行研究。研究結果顯示,違約動機受到政策因素、市場因素、個人經濟因素以及用戶的心理因素的影響,這與過去主要使用經濟模型進行事前預測違約風險的研究有所不同。過去的文獻往往忽略或未充分關注心理因素,然而,研究結果顯示,個人的心理需求、心理感受以及認知偏差等因素對於違約行為的決策具有重要影響。本研究發現為理解和預測違約動機提供了新的角度和解釋,同時也彌補了過去文獻中的缺漏。基於研究結果,建議電信公司在管理和應對用戶的違約行為時應更加重視心理因素的應用,並對未來可依據本研究延伸之研究方向提出建議。This study aims to investigate the development of the telecommunications market in our country under the liberalization policy, encompassing the evolution from 2G, 3G, 4G to the latest 5G technology and service advancements, leading to the maturation of the telecommunications market. However, the market also faces challenges of oversaturation and intense competition. Therefore, telecom operators must not only actively increase user numbers and expand market share but also focus on establishing a robust user credit rating mechanism and adopting appropriate debt collection strategies to reduce the generation of bad debts by delinquent users, thereby safeguarding hard-earned market niches.Drawing upon the research motivation and objectives, a research framework was developed, and the study employed grounded theory. The findings indicate that default motives are influenced by policy factors, market factors, individual economic factors, as well as user psychological factors, distinguishing this study from previous research primarily relying on economic models for pre-default risk prediction. Past literature often overlooked or insufficiently addressed psychological factors. However, the research results demonstrate the significant influence of individuals' psychological needs, perceptions, and cognitive biases on default decision-making. These findings provide new perspectives and explanations for understanding and predicting default motives while also filling gaps in previous literature. Based on the research findings, it is recommended that telecom companies place greater emphasis on the application of psychological factors in managing and addressing user default behavior. Furthermore, suggestions for future research directions, which can be extended based on the findings of this study, are proposed.電信信用風險質性訪談違約風險TelecomCredit RiskInterviewRisk of Breach of Contract違約不違約?探討電信產業用戶違約之動機Breach of Contract or not ?A Study on Consumer Motivation toward the Breach of Contract in Telecommunication Industryetd