周世玉Chou, Shih-Yu齊立鵬Kittiphop Khanthawee2024-12-172023-12-202024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/692192ea261ca143817582ffd6f5473c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122768noneThe number of Thai local clothing brands on social commerce has grown dramatically in the last few years. Southeast Asia is the largest s-commerce market and has lots of active social media users which shows Thailand has a big opportunity for growing in social commerce. Many Thai local clothing brands use the feature of Instagram to start their fashion business and reach their target audiences. Hence, this effect on Thai local clothing brands on Instagram has a very high competition. Many brands are successful and many brands have to close down. This reason becomes the purpose of this study, to explore how brand awareness, product uniqueness, perceived value and brand trust affect consumer purchase intention.nonebrand awarenessproduct uniquenessperceived valuebrand trustpurchase intentionprivate label clothingprivate brandbrand storelocal brands-commerceInstagram泰國Instagram使用者對在地服裝品牌的顧客購買意圖決定因素之研究A Study on Determinants of Customer Purchase Intention toward Local Clothing Brands for InstagramUsers in Thailand學術論文