林如萍Lin, Ju-Ping黃秋華Huang, Chiu-Hua2019-08-282022-12-312019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0897060015%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86800本研究旨在探討成年子女與其嬰兒潮世代父母之代間關係。運用華人家庭動態資料庫2008年至2012年五波追蹤調查資料,採潛在類型成長分析策略,以成年子女角度出發,探究代間居住安排與代間金錢支持交換的變化,並聚焦兩代的生命事件,檢視其與代間關係之關聯。進一步,分析代間居住安排與代間金錢支持交換的變化,與成年子女生活福祉之關聯。主要之研究發現如下: 一、代間同住比例高,尤其是成年兒子。代間居住安排的變化呈現不同類型,成年兒子與成年女兒變化類型相同,均為「持續同住型」、「代間持續不同住型」、「同住變不同住型」與「不同住變同住型」四種型態。成年子女的結婚、生育事件,影響代間居住安排變化。 成年子女結婚使代間居住安排傾向成為「持續不同住型」,而成年兒子新添子女時,代間居住方式則傾向成為「同住變不同住型」。 二、逾半數成年子女提供嬰兒潮世代父母金錢支持協助。成年兒子與女兒與父母的代間金錢支持變化類型不同,成年兒子與其嬰兒潮父母的代間金錢支持交換類型變化為「持續提供型」、「持續無交換型」、「無交換變提供型」與「提供變無交換型」四類型,而成年女兒則是「持續提供型」、「無交換變提供型」、「互惠變提供型」與「提供變無交換型」。成年子女就業影響代間金錢支持交換變化。有工作的成年兒子傾向成為「持續提供型」。 三、代間關係變化與成年兒子的生活福祉未有顯著關聯,而成年女兒則具顯著影響。This research aimed to examine the intergenerational relationships between adult children and their baby boomer parents. Taking the perspectives of adult children, five waves of data (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012) from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) were analyzed. Latent class growth analysis (LCGA) was used to develop changes types of intergenerational living arrangements and intergenerational financial support exchange. Focus on the life events of the two generations, this research examined the effect on intergenerational relationships changes pattern.. Furthermore, the study analyzed how the changes of intergenerational living arrangements and the intergenerational financial support exchange affect adult children’s personal well-being. The main findings are as follow: 1.The proportion of intergenerational co-residence is high, especially between adult sons and their parents. There are different types of changes of intergenerational living arrangements. The four types of changes of intergenerational living arrangements for adult sons and daughters are the same: “continuous co-residence,” “continuous non-co-residence,” “from co-residence to non-co-residence,” and “from non-co-residence to co-residence.” Adult children’s life events such as getting married and having children affect changes of intergenerational living arrangements. After marrying, the intergenerational living arrangement between adult children and their parents is inclined to be the “continuous non- co-residence” type. When adult sons have newborn babies, the living arrangement is inclined to be “from co-residence to non-co-residence.” 2.More than half of the adult children provide financial support to their baby boomer parents. Different types of changes of intergenerational financial support exist between adult sons and daughters. The four types of changes of exchange of intergenerational financial support between adult sons and their baby boomer parents are: “continuous provision,” “continuous low-exchange,” “from low-exchange to provision,” and “from provision to low-exchange.” As to adult daughters and their parents, there are also four types, “continuous provision,” “from low-exchange to provision,” “from reciprocity to provision,” and “from provision to low-exchange.” Adult children’s employment status affect changes of exchange of intergenerational financial support. When adult sons have jobs, the type of intergenerational financial support they give to parents is inclined to be the “continuous provision” type. 3.There is no significant effect between changes of intergenerational relationships and the adult sons' well-being. To adult daughters, changes of intergenerational relationships and personal well-being are related.代間關係生命事件生活福祉嬰兒潮世代生命歷程Intergenerational relationshipsLife eventWell-beingBaby boomersLife course成年子女與嬰兒潮世代父母之代間關係對其生活福祉之影響:生命事件的角色Adult Children and Their Boomer Parents: the Dynamics of Intergenerational Relationships and Well-Being