陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih謝昀軒Hsieh, Yun-Hsuan2023-12-082022-08-082023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/1e8c71f147f889272c287680da2d3afe/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119531本研究旨在透過社會情緒學習課程,增進幼兒教保服務人員的社會情緒能力,進而提升其幸福感及降低情緒勞務。研究對象為大臺北地區之幼兒教保服務人員,共計61人,實驗設計採用「不等組前後測準實驗設計」,課程共進行四週,實驗組在進行課程介入的同時,對照組無進行任何課程介入。研究工具為「主觀幸福感量表」、「情緒勞務量表」,所得資料以二因子混合設計變異數分析(two way-ANOVA)檢驗研究假設。研究結果發現:一、社會情緒學習課程能顯著提升幼兒教保服務人員之心理幸福感、社會幸福感、情緒幸福感。二、社會情緒學習課程對於幼兒教保服務人員之情緒多樣性、情緒表達要求、情緒表層行動無顯著影響。三、社會情緒學習課程能顯著提升幼兒教保服務人員之情緒深層行動。最後本研究依據研究結果,提供教師社會情緒學習課程之相關研究的未來建議方向。The purpose of this study is to enhance the social-emotional ability of preschool teachers through social and emotional learning course, thereby improving their well-being and reducing emotional labor. Samples selected from the preschool teachers in the Taipei Metro Area and the total of valid samples are at the number 61 adults. Based on the design of “quasi-experimental model comparing pre-testing group and post-testing control group,” the course is lasted for four weeks. While the experimental group had course intervention, the control group did not have any course intervention. “Subjective Well-being Scale (SWS)” and “emotional labor scale” will be the main tools. Analysis of Variance (two-way mixed ANOVA) is used to analyze the obtained data. The results are as follows: 1. Social and emotional learning courses can signifi-cantly improve the psychological well-being, social well-being and emotional well-being of preschool teachers. 2. There was no significant difference in the emotional diversity, display role and surface acting between the experimental and control group. 3. Social and emotional learning courses can significantly improve the deep acting of preschool teachers. Based on these results, the researcher draws conclusions and makes suggestions for future research and social and emotional learning teaching practice.社會情緒學習幸福感情緒勞務social and emotional learningwell-beingemotional labor教師社會情緒學習課程介入方案──以幼兒教保服務人員為例The Effectiveness of Social and Emotional Course for Preschool Teachersetd