曲兆祥Chu, Chao-Hsiang吳憶姍Wu, Yi-San2019-08-282016-09-012019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060236001F%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/854362014年蘇格蘭舉行獨立公投不僅引起國際社會的關注,同時反映蘇格蘭在面臨國家認同選擇。本文以國家認同及民族主義角度分析蘇格蘭和聯合王國合併300年後,仍要求擴大自治權力和爭取獨立原因。 本文第二章首先透過蘇格蘭與英格蘭歷史淵源探究歷史因素對於蘇格蘭民族主義及民族認同形塑影響,同時由蘇格蘭與英格蘭對於王室繼承權及統治權認知不同引發獨立戰爭與衝突探究蘇格蘭民族性。最後由蘇格蘭與英格蘭合併為聯合王國過程與選擇分析蘇格蘭民族主義及對國家認同矛盾性。 第三章則由1970年代末期,柴契爾政府執政採取對蘇格蘭保守路線的經濟政策,引發經濟成長停滯等問題,進而激發蘇格蘭的民族意識再次崛起過程。此外從1997年透過憲政公投通過設置蘇格蘭議會象徵意義,研究如何開啟蘇格蘭爭取自治權及獨立運動契機。 第四章以2014年蘇格蘭獨立公投背景,分析及國內贊成獨立及續留英國兩派政治團體之意見和主張,研究民族主義對於蘇格蘭形塑民族認同之背景與影響。 最後觀察舉行2014年獨立公投後獨立運動的後續發展。包括蘇格蘭是否可因此得到更多自治權力、蘇格蘭議會改選後各政黨的席次分布等是否可更深入影響其獨立運動,並探討蘇格蘭日後獨立於聯合王國可能性和機遇。  2014 Scotland independence referendum not only aroused attentions from international societies. At the same time it reflected the options when Scotland faces its national identity. The goal of the article is to analysis the reason why Scotland and England have combined together until 300 years, Scotland still requests more devolution rights and involves into independence movement. In the beginning of chapter two, the article shows how history impacted on Scottish nationalism and national identity through the history of interactions between Scotland and England. At the same time through the battles between Scotland and England due to their cognitions of the royal right of inheritance to analysis the national character in Scotland. Finally the article shows the contradictions of Scotland nationalism and national identity through the process and choice of consolidates between Scotland and England and they have become United Kingdom since 1707. Chapter three from the end of Thatcher’s government promoted a series of conservative policies, but still bought economic recessions and procession of gave rise to Scottish nationalism again in 1970’s. Furthermore, the chapter analyzes the opportunities to strive for autonomy and independent movement in Scotland through the pass of 1997 Scottish devolution referendum and set up Scottish Parliament in 1999. Chapter four from the background of Scottish independent referendum in 2014 to elaborate opinions about voters answered with “Yes” or “No”. In addition, the article deliberates effects for forming nationalism and national identity in Scotland. Finally, in chapter five deliberates the developments of Scottish independent movement after 2014. Through observations about further opportunities whether Scotland would gain more devolution rights, and becomes the promotion to win the independence movement again after the increasing seats of Scottish Parliament election in the future.民族主義民族認同蘇格蘭獨立運動蘇格蘭獨立公投nationalismnational identityScottish independent movementScottish independent referendum蘇格蘭獨立運動與獨立公投之研究An Analysis on the Independence Movement and Independence Referendum in Scotland