李基常徐昊杲楊惠娟2019-09-042005-6-242019-09-042005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069270025%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98477本研究旨在探討高職廣告設計科學生學習行為困擾及其因應策略之情形,並分析不同背景學生學習行為困擾與所採因應策略的差異情形。為達成研究目的,首先經由文獻探討所得之理論架構發展調查問卷,針對10所高職廣告設計科學生進行抽樣調查,並輔以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析等方法,進行資料處理與分析後,獲致以下結論: 一、目前高職廣告設計科學生學習行為困擾接近中等困擾程度。 二、目前高職廣告設計科學生以學習動機困擾程度最高。 三、學業成績與母親教育程度交互作用下,僅學習態度困擾層面有顯著差異 四、不同背景變項的高職廣告設計科學生,其學習行為困擾有顯著差異。 五、高職廣告設計科學生面對各類學習行為困擾時,所採取之因應策略,以獨立解決、尋求支援為優先採取之因應策略,其次為情緒調適,最後順位為消極逃避。 六、不同背景變項的高職廣告設計科學生,面對各類學習行為困擾所採因應策略之順位,有差異存在。 七、高職廣告設計科學生面對各類高低學習行為困擾程度所採之因應策略,有差異存在。 本研究另針對學校教育、親職教育提出八點建議,供相關人士之參考。最後,茲根據本研究在研究對象、變項、方法及工具等方面不足之處,以及在進行研究中所獲得之想法,歸納出四點建議,以供後續對此研究方向感到興趣的研究者參考。The study discussed problems of learning behavior and the coping strategies of the students of the department of advertising design in the vocational high school and analyzed the variations by the backgrounds. The study was based on the questionnaire survey guided by the theoretical framework developed from archive research. Students from 10 schools’ were singled out as the samples. The statistical techniques applied were descriptive statistic method, t-test, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. The problems of learning behavior of the students of the department of advertising design in the vocational high school were close to middle degree. 2. The students of the department of advertising design in the vocational high school of the problem of learning motivation was the highest. 3. Achievement and mother’s education background interaction, it had two-factor interaction existed for the problem of learning attitude. 4. There were significant differences in problems of learning behavior of the students of the department of advertising design in the vocational high school with different background variables. 5. The coping strategies which the students of the department of advertising design in the vocational high school adopted were classified, in order of priority, into the four categories:“solving by themselves”, “seeking for support”, “emotional discharge”, and “avoidance”. 6. There were significant differences in the coping strategies, in order of priority, by the students of the department of advertising design in the vocational high school who faced problems of learning behavior with different background variables. 7. There were significant differences in the coping strategies, in order of priority, by the students of the department of advertising design in the vocational high school who faced problems of learning behavior with different degree. Based on the findings and conclusions given eight suggestions for two references on the fields of schooling and parental education. Lastly, researcher had concluded some propositions over subjects, variations, method and instrument during this research. Hope they could be references for researchers interested in this study.高職廣告設計科學習行為困擾因應策略Vocational High SchoolDepartment of Advertisement DesignProblems of Learning BehaviorCoping Strategy高職廣告設計科學生學習行為困擾及其因應策略之研究The Study on the Problems of Learning Behavior and Coping Strategies of the Students of the Department of Advertising Design in the Vocational High School