林仁傑Ren-jie Lin黃芳梅Fang-mei Huang2020-12-102006-8-252020-12-102006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593603001%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115118中文摘要 關鍵詞:聖經觀點、探究、宗教繪畫、宗教改革、林布蘭特、超自然光 本論文旨在了解林布蘭特如何透過神的話語,來傳達他的宗教繪畫。第一章運用文獻分析法、歷史研究法、繪畫作品剖析法,從時代環境、畫家本身繪畫作品,以及不同時期畫家同題材的宗教作品比較,作縱橫剖析所需,以闡釋光影大師林布蘭特的宗教畫創作思維與歷程。 第二章從光影中欣賞聖經名畫,由了解《聖經》的背景、啟示和光的種類、光在聖經中的涵義以及聖經中人物畫的表現,企圖找出林布蘭特與眾不同超自然戲劇性光源的不同處。 第三章從文化史的觀點,來推究林布蘭特當時所處的環境背景,尤其關注大時代的宗教改革、宗教教育與社會文化和林布蘭特本身對聖經的探究、宗教信仰、家庭生活以及間接或直接影響到林布蘭特及同題材畫家的宗教作品來比較。目的在於探討思想潮流與林布蘭特創作理念的淵源關係,進而了解到林布蘭特的宗教思維及創作風格的形成。 第四章從林布蘭特的繪畫思想、畫風及不同時期的創作風格,探討林布蘭特得之於聖經的啟示,用不同的媒材具體地實踐於畫面的表現,從中了解這位不受外在環境影響的畫家心靈世界,進而發現林布蘭特如何由黑暗中去取得超自然光的神奇力量,並藉由作品分析中找到聖經相關章節的真諦。 第五章結論中發現由於宗教的力量,林布蘭特嚮往主的榮光,將內心世界透過彩筆親自參與主耶穌被釘十字架的救恩。他不為社會環境所屈服,仍繼續創作自己喜歡的宗教繪畫,傳播神的慈愛與光輝,成為舉世聞名的光影畫家。Abstract Critical words: the perspective of the Holy Bible, explore, religion painting, religion reformation, Rembrandt, supernatural light The aim of this thesis is to interpret how Rembrandt communicated divine expressions in his religion paintings. In chapter one, I analyzed the creative thoughts and painting process of shadow master Rembrandt’s religion paintings by using documents, historical research laws, painting work analysis law, the environment, the painter's own painting works and comparison with different painters’ religion works of the same subject in different periods. It cut open and fetched the need of setting one's views vertically and horizontally in order to interpret all shadow master Rembrandt's religion paintings. The second chapter: we not only appreciated the famous paintings of the Holy Bible from the mere shadow , the knowledge and enlightenment of all kinds of lights, the background of the Holy Bible but we also understood the differences that the Holy Bible figure painting of the painter displayed between Rembrandt and other painters in different periods. We attempted to find out the specialties of Rembrandt's dramatic supernatural light source which was so different and outstanding from the common, ordinary one. The third chapter: I examined Rembrandt's active environmental backgrounds from the culture history’s point of view and I especially focused on the religion reformation, religion education and social culture. I also probed into Rembrandt’s Scriptural exploration, religious beliefs, and domestic life. I compared Rembrandt’s religion paints with similar material paintings of other painters who influenced him indirectly or directly in order to examine how Rembrandt’s creative concepts related to the trend thoughts at that time , and then we can further understand Rembrandt's religious beliefs and his painting style. The fourth chapter: we also found the true essence and paragraphic true meanings related to the Holy Bible through his works which were so different from others’. Rembrandt got the enlightenment from the Holy Bible. Then he practiced it to the external behavior at the same time. We understood that in the painter's soul world he was free from external environments, and then we found out how Rembrandt had got the magical strength of the supernatural light source in the dark. The fifth chapter: we discovered that because of the religious strength, Rembrandt revealed his inner world and felt like personally being in the scene of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion through his brush. He was not surrendered by the environments because of the strength of the religion. He still continued creating his favorite religion paintings and spread divine kindliness through his great works and became a well-known shadow painter.聖經觀點探究宗教繪畫宗教改革林布蘭特超自然光the perspective of the Holy Bibleexplorereligion paintingreligion reformationRembrandtsupernatural light以聖經觀點探究林布蘭特的宗教繪畫Investigating Rembrandt's Religion Paintings From the Perspective of the Holy Bible