曹博盛鍾宜軒Yi-hsuan,Chung2019-09-052010-8-222019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696400363%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/101790本研究旨在以實徵資料探究高中生的基礎語文能力、空間能力、閱讀理解先備知識、數學閱讀後設認知、數學閱讀情意等閱讀者本身的因素與教科書空間概念單元閱讀理解之間的關係,並建構一「高中生空間概念單元教科書閱讀理解之讀者因素模式」。首先使用問卷調查法蒐集資料,以公立高級中等學校(含高級職業學校)一年級之學生為調查對象,並以九十八年國民中學學生基本學力測驗擇優總分為依據進行樣本分層。研究工具包含自編之「國民中學幾何知識測驗」、「空間概念單元閱讀理解測驗」、改編修訂之「數學閱讀情意量表」、「數學閱讀後設認知量表」以及大考入學考試中心編訂之「學業性向測驗圖形分測驗」t與「學業性向測驗國語文分測驗」。本研究建構之「高中生空間概念單元教科書閱讀理解之讀者因素模式」透過結構方程模式的統計方法檢驗分析後發現,理論模式與實徵資料具有良好的適配,顯示本研究依據文獻所建構之模式在實務上得到相當的支持。研究結果顯示高中學生的基礎語文能力、空間能力、閱讀理解先備知識、數學閱讀後設認知、數學閱讀情意皆顯著影響學生在閱讀空間概念教科書的閱讀理解,其中以閱讀教科書所需的先備知識影響閱讀理解最鉅,其次則是數學閱讀情意。最後,本研究針對數學教科書閱讀理解模式建立、數學教實務與未來研究提供建議與參考。The main purpose of this study is to inquire the relationship between senior high school students’ reading comprehension for mathematical texts and the reader factors: basic language ability, spatial ability, prior knowledge for mathematical reading, metacognition for mathematical reading, affection for mathematical reading by empirical data and to construct a factor model of “senior high students’ reading comprehension in spatial conception unit of mathematical textbook”, (abbreviated as SHRCSC). We first use questionnaires investigation to collect data. The participants in this study were the tenth graders in public senior high schools (including vocational high schools). They are stratified based on the score of the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students in 2009. Six research instruments are used: “Geometry Knowledge Test for Junior High School Students”, “Reading Comprehension Test on Spatial conception Unit”, “Scale of Affection for Mathematical Reading”, “Scale of Metacogniton for Mathematical Reading”,” the Spatial Scales for the CEEC Scholastic Aptitude Test” and “the Scholastic Aptitude Verbal Test”. The theoretical model of SHRCSC analyzed by structural equation modeling has the suitable goodness of fit. This result shows that basic language bility, spatial ability, prior knowledge for mathematical reading, metacognition for mathematical reading, affection for mathematical reading influence student's reading comprehension for mathematical texts, and prior knowledge for mathematical reading is the leading indicator, affection for mathematical reading is the second. Finally, based on the result and discussion of the study, the researcher makes suggestions for model construction in mathematical reading comprehension, teaching practice, and further study.數學閱讀閱讀理解先備知識閱讀情意後設認知教科書結構方程模式mathematical readingreading comprehensionprior knowledgeaffection of readingmetacognitontext bookstructure eqution modeling高中生閱讀理解空間概念單元之因素模式研究Factor Model Research of Senior High School Students’Reading Comprehension in Spatial Conception Unit