國立臺灣師範大學體育學系廖俊儒程紹同2016-08-042016-08-042012-06-011028-1975http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/79745本研究旨在探討近年來亞洲地區申辦大型國際賽會之成功、失敗因素,以做為台北市及國內其他城市申辦大型國際運動賽會之重要參考。本研究採用內容分析法進行2008年奧運會申辦成功及失敗案例之計畫書文件內容分析,探討客觀之影響因素;其次,透過對申辦大型國際運動賽會之關鍵人物訪談,以了解其他可能影響申辦之主、客觀相關因素。研究結果發現如下:一、北京於2008年奧運會申辦的過程,在第二階段申辦計畫的評估報告18項指標及54項次指標中,共獲得7個負面評價、74個持平陳述及63個正面評價,最後取得申辦權。此表示北京獲得2008奧運會主辦權的成功因素在於充分的準備,獲得國際奧會評估小組的肯定;而大阪則因為準備不足,提出的申辦計畫未獲青睞,而導致申辦失敗。二、2008北京奧運會、2009臺北聽障奧運會、2010廣州亞運會及2014仁川亞運會等,其申辦成功的共同原因包括:(一)良好的國際關係;(二)良好的申辦計畫;(三)民間、企業及政府的強力支持;(四)獲得具有賽事投票決定權人士之支持;(五)城市的良好發展。The purpose of this study was to identify the successful and unsuccessful factors for Asian cities when bidding international sport events in recently Asian region. It was to provide an important reference for Taipei and other cities in bidding mega international sport event. Content analysis method was used to explore the successful and unsuccessful bidding document for the 2008 Olympic Games, in order to find the objective impact factors. Besides, In-depth interviews were conducted with higher ranking officers who have a great understanding in event bidding. The results were as follows: First, Beijing got total of 7 negative comments, 74 fair statements and 63 positive comments of the evaluation report which included 18 indicators and 54 sub-indicators in 2008 Olympic Games bidding second phase evaluation report, and finally made the successful bidding. It meant the successful bidding factor of 2008 Olympic Games was that Beijing had good preparation and to get the positive evaluation from IOC. On the other hand, Osaka didn't have enough preparation in bidding project and led failure. Secondly, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Taipei 2009 Deaflympics, Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games and Incheon 2014 Asian Games, with its successful bidding to host the mutual reasons included: (a) good international relationship; (b) a good bidding project; (c) civil society, corporations and government's strongly support; (d) to get support from the members who can vote to decide the event bidding; (e) the well development of the city.大型國際運動賽會運動賽會申辦奧運會亞運會城市行銷Mega international sport eventSport event biddingOlympic GamesAsian GamesCity marketing申辦大型國際運動賽會成功與失敗因素之研究A Study of the Successful and Unsuccessful Bidding Factors of International Mega Sport Events