林建福Chien-Fu, Lin曾馨平Hsin-Ping, Tseng2019-08-282015-8-62019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698000038%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90206本研究旨在透過概念分析及詮釋學方法,針對《思想的劇變》一書的第二部分探究Martha C. Nussbaum的憐憫概念及其在教育上之蘊義。主要研究目的如下:(一)釐清compassion在字義與哲學脈絡上的樣貌。(二)理解Nussbaum的情緒觀。(三)分析Nussbaum憐憫概念。(四)探究Nussbaum 憐憫概念在教育上之蘊義。根據上述研究結果得出以下結論:(一)Nussbaum採取認知評價取徑勾勒情緒樣貌,使其情緒觀富饒教育蘊義。(二)Nussbaum情緒理論為道德教育困境提供合理解釋。(三)Nussbaum指出情緒標誌人類的脆弱性。(四)Nussbaum情緒觀與斯多亞情緒觀存在辯證關係。(五)適切憐憫情緒概念涉及正確價值體系之建構與同理能力。The main purpose of this study is to focus on and explore Martha C. Nussbaum's concept of compassion and its implications of education from Part two of "Upheavals of Thought".Conceptual analysis and hermeneutics are used.The four goals are as follows: First of all, to specify the concept of compassion on definition and philosophical context. Secondly, to understand Nussbaum’s thoughts of emotion. Thirdly, to analyze Nussbaum’s concept of compassion. Finally, to explore the implications for education. The conclusion of this study includes: (1)Nussbaum took a cognitive-evaluation account to draw out the appearance of emotions, and this is to make emotions to be filled with meaning of education. (2)Nussbaum’s emotional account responded to the difficulties in moral education and provided reasonable explanations. (3)Emotions signal the fragility of human beings. (4)There are dialectical relations between Nussbaum and the Stoics on emotional accounts. (5)A moderate compassion implies to build the right value system and the ability to empathize.瑪莎‧納斯邦認知/評價憐憫情緒情緒教育Martha C. Nussbaumcognitive-evaluationcompassionemotionemotional educationMartha C. Nussbaum憐憫概念及其教育蘊義Martha C. Nussbaum's Concept of Compassion and its Implications for Education