曾章瑞施人英王佳麟2019-09-032010-8-172019-09-032010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697560237%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94567隨著網際網路的快速發展,數位學習也成為一種重要的學習方式,藉由數位科技將虛擬社群、WiKi等的概念融入教學設計是目前的發展趨勢。本研究主要探討是否能透過使用數位平台「網路社群」中的分享、互動功能,藉由線上討論活動增加與教師、同儕之間的互動、分享,進而達到輔助全民國防教育學習成效的目標。 研究針對高級中等學校修習全民國防教育課程ㄧ年級學生共350人,採「現場實驗法」進行六週的實驗教學,藉由問卷調查與統計軟體工具SPSS 18.0版進行資料分析。研究結論:線上討論會正向影響網路社群、網路社群會正向影響全民國防教育學習成效、性別因素對全民國防教育學習成效無顯著相關、學校因素對全民國防教育學習成效有顯著相關。With the rapid development of Internet, E-learning has become an important way of learning. This study examined whether we can use the sharing and interactive functions of the web-based community to achieve the goal of learning effectiveness of All-out defense education through increasing online discussion activities for instructors and students. This study recruited senior high school students who attend the All-out defense education courses, used a "field experiment" in teaching for six-weeks, surveyed these students and analyzed the data by the SPSS 18.0 version software. Conclusions: 1) Online discussion positively affects Web-based community; 2) Web-based community positively affects the learning effectiveness of All-out defense education; 3) Between the gender and the learning effectiveness of the All-out defense education, there is no significant correlation; 4) The school type factor is significantly correlated with the learning effectiveness of the All-out defense education.全民國防教育數位學習網路社群線上討論All-out defense educationE-learningWeb-based communityOnline discussion全民國防教育網路社群化輔助學習行為效益研究-以高級中等學校為例An Empirecal Study on Web-based Community Learning Effectiveness for Assisting All-out Defence Education:Evidence from Two Senior High Schools