李燕宜Lee, Yen-I鄭宜芬Cheng, Yi-Fen2024-12-172024-01-202024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d20c6a730d62ad206f9e964668a4587a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123814拉赫曼尼諾夫(Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff, 1873-1943)為俄羅斯浪漫晚期的音樂家,位於時代交界的他沒有追隨創新的潮流,反而選擇承襲了浪漫樂派的特色,並且融合俄羅斯的民族風情。他不僅僅是一位作曲家,同時是指揮家、鋼琴家,透過這些身份為他的音樂帶來更多元的風貌,並從中塑造出屬於他的音樂風格。本書面報告探討的是拉赫曼尼諾夫唯一的一首大提琴奏鳴曲《G小調大提琴奏鳴曲,作品十九》(Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 19),此曲創作於1901年,題獻給他的忘年之交,同時也是一位大提琴家的布蘭杜科夫(Anatoly Andreyevich Brandukov, 1859-1930),並由作曲家本人與布蘭杜科夫於同年12月15日在莫斯科首演。此曲為拉赫曼尼諾夫從低潮期復出的作品之一,在此之前有三年的期間完全沒有作品,經過心理醫師的治療後才重新開始創作,曲中充滿著深刻、哀傷的性格特質,且為一首極具創造力、構思宏大的作品。本書面報告共分為四個章節:第一章為緒論,包括此報告之研究動機與目的,以及研究範圍與方法;第二章為文獻探討,首先概述拉赫曼尼諾夫之生平、寫作風格、不同時期的重要作品,接著再介紹《G小調大提琴奏鳴曲,作品十九》之創作背景及首演資料;第三章為樂曲分析與詮釋探討,將分析此曲的四個樂章,並以鋼琴合作者的角度來探討樂曲的詮釋;第四章為結語。Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff (1873-1943) was a Russian musician of the late Romantic period. Situated at the crossroads of his era, he did not follow the trends of innovation but chose to inherit the characteristics of the romantic music while infusing it with Russian folk elements. He was not merely a composer but also a conductor and a pianist. Through these roles, he brought diverse dimensions to his music, shaping a unique musical style that was distinctly his own.This study is mainly about Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 19, the only cello sonata Rachmaninoff composed. It was composed in 1901, and dedicated to his close friend and cellist, Anatoly Andreyevich Brandukov (1859-1930). The piece was premiered by Rachmaninoff himself and Brandukov in Moscow on December 15 of the same year. This composition marked one of Rachmaninoff's comebacks after he was in a slump. Before this, he suffered a huge failure, and had been completely unable to compose for three years. However, after receiving treatment from a psychologist, he gradually regained his confidence. The sonata is imbued with deep and mournful characteristics, and it’s a very creative and ambitious work. This study is divided into four chapters: Chapter one is an introduction, including research motivation, purpose, scope and methods. Chapter two includes an overview of Rachmaninoff’s biography, his composition styles and the lists of his significant works, and the background, as well as the premiere information of Cello Sonata in G minor, Op. 19. Chapter three includes the music analysis, and the interpretation from a collaborative pianist’s view. Chapter four is the conclusion.《G小調大提琴奏鳴曲作品十九》拉赫曼尼諾夫俄羅斯浪漫晚期鋼琴合作Cello Sonata in G MinorOp. 19Collaborative PianoLate Romantic PeriodRussiaSergei Rachmaninoff拉赫曼尼諾夫《G小調大提琴奏鳴曲,作品十九》之分析與演奏詮釋The Analysis and the Interpretation of Sergei Rachmaninoff's Cello Sonata in G Minor, Op. 19作品連同書面報告(藝術類)