李懿芳Lee, Yi-Fang陳幸君Chen, Hsing-Chun2023-12-082022-09-272023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/dc7858bcca6fe8fc4c9a95d7098c9ffc/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120689本研究旨在探究技高實習科目運用資訊融入教學對學生學習能力表現之影響,並分析自我調整學習能力在此關係中的調節效果。本研究以技高工業類科「電子學實習」科目做為資訊融入教學實驗標的,採用準實驗研究法進行為期八週的實驗研究,一班為實驗組,採用資訊融入教學方式,另一班為對照組,採傳統教學方式,兩班共計 64 人。研究工具為研究者自編之電子學實習成就測驗、電子學實習自我覺知效果量表、自我調整學習量表與 YouTube 影片分享平臺。研究結果顯示:一、與傳統式教學法相較之下,資訊融入教學對於學生的學習成就測驗表現雖無統計上的顯著不同,但對於中、低成就的學生有正向的幫助。二、在自我覺知效果的部分,兩組學生並無顯著的不同;惟兩組學生中皆有一些個人因素干擾實驗結果,後續可再深入分析學生技能學習過程中,心理感知與認知改變對學習成效的影響。三、在不同的教學方法對學習成效的影響中,自我調整學習能力對於電子學實習自我覺知效果具有調節作用,自我調整學習能力越高的學生,資訊融入教學對電子學實習自我覺知的學習效果影響越大。四、學生的學習動機偏低,可能是影響學習成效的原因之一。五、實驗組學生大都肯定資訊融入教學的輔助效益。最後,根據研究發現,針對學校及教師提出教學建議:一、電子學實習課程教師宜運用資訊融入教學方式,輔助學生學習。二、資訊融入教學宜加入線上虛擬教具輔助學生在家自學。三、宜教導學生運用自我調整學習策略。四、技高教師宜時常關心不同技能學習程度之學生,提供不同的鷹架學習。以上幾點建議提供給技高學校行政、教師參考。This study aimed to explore the impact of integrating information technology into instruction in practice course on students' performance, and analyzed the moderating effect of self-regulated learning in this relationship. In this study, the "Electronics Practice" course was used as the subject of the experiment to integrate the information technology into instruction experiment, and conducted an eight-week experimental study with the quasi-experimental research method. One class used the information technology integrated into instruction for the experimental group. The other class, the control group, adopted the traditional teaching method. There were 64 students in two classes. The research tools included the achievement test of the electronics practice course and self-perceived performance survey, self-regulated learning survey, and the YouTube video sharing platform. The results showed that: 1. Compared with the traditional teaching method, the information technology integrated into instruction had no statistically significant effect on the student's learning effectiveness (achievement test); however, information technology integrated into instruction had benefit on middle- and low-achieving students. 2. The part of self-perceived performance, there was no significant difference between the two groups; however, both groups had personal factors interfering with the results. Further exploration of the impact of psychological perception and cognitive changes in the process of skill learning is needed. 3. Among the effects of different teaching methods on learning effectiveness, self-regulated learning ability has a moderating effect on the self-perceived performance of electronics practice. The higher self-regulated learning ability, the greater information technology integrated into instruction on the learning effect of self-perceived performance. 4. Students' low learning motivation may be one of the reasons that affect their learning effectiveness. 5. Most of the students in the experimental group affirmed the auxiliary benefits of information technology integrated into instruction. According to the research findings, specific and feasible teaching suggestions were generated for schools and teachers. 1. Teachers of electronics practice courses should integrate information into instruction to assist students' learning. 2. It is advisable to add online virtual teaching aids to assist students in self-learning at home. 3. It is advisable to improve students' ability to use self-regulated learning strategies. 4. Teachers of vocational high schools should always care about students of different skill learning levels, and provide different scaffolding learning.技高電子學實習資訊融入教學學習成效自我調整學習vocational high school electronics practice courseintegrating information technology into instructionlearning effectivenessself-regulated learning資訊融入教學於技術型高級中學電子學實習科目學習成效之研究:以自我調整學習為調節變項A Study on the Effectiveness of Integrating Information Technology into Instruction for the Electronics Practice Course in the Vocational High School: Using Self-regulated Learning as a Moderatoretd