李浩銘Hao-Ming Lee2019-08-122019-08-122017-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81464為理解我國近年高中選修歷史之改變,本文以中國醫學史為中心,分析並比對《101課綱》、《95暫綱》之教授內容。研究發現,學習醫學史有助於學習者思考中國社會的生命意識。《101課綱》將《95暫綱》的專題史架構改回《88課綱》的時序史架構。在原單元「醫療與社會文化」中,主題「針灸與本草」被大部分保留;主題「宗教醫療」不見於多數教科書,而主題「中西醫的相遇」則悉數遭刪除。此外,「講述」可能取代「討論」,成為主要的教授方法。研究建議,教師可適時將原專題史的跨時代、議題導向、本土化等特色整合於授業活動,俾利學生培養歷史思維、發展核心能力。In order to recognize the changing of Taiwanese Senior High School Elective History in recent year, this research analyzed and compared the content and textbooks between "2006 temporary curriculum guideline" and "2012 curriculum guideline", but focus on the part related with Chine e medical history. It is found that the students will think the life awareness in Chinese society through learning medical history. "2012 curriculum guideline" changes the topic-based framework back to the chronological framework in "1999 curriculum standard'. Except the related contents of former topic "Acupuncture and Materia Medica" was mostly retained, the majority of other topics on former unit "the Medical and Social Culture" are deleted. Beside, "lecture" may replace "discussion" as the main teaching method. To help the students develop historical thinking and core competencies, it is suggested that teachers can integrate the three characteristics (cross-era, issue-oriented, and localizable) of the topic-based framework into the teaching activities.一綱多本文化史儒醫醫療史cultural historyConfucian physicianhistory of medicineone-guideline-multiple-versions我國高中《選修歷史上冊》課綱及教科書內容之分析-以中國醫學史為中心A Analysis of the Curriculum Guideline and Textbook for "Senior High School Elective History 1" -A Focus on Chinese Medical History