國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所;國立臺中護理專科學校共同學科賴錦緣吳正己2014-10-302014-10-302008-01-01http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34666本研究探討運用行動載具於臨床護理實習課程之可行性,並找出應用行動載具於護理教育之模式。我們以 PDA 支援認知學徒的教學設計,開發一個行動學習系統來支援學生在醫院的實習。結果發現,此種教學模式的確可以有效支援護生在醫院的實習,但網路存取和 PDA 的問題也影響到學生的使用。This research investigates the flexibility in using mobile technology in a clinical nursing. The cognitive apprenticeship method was used to develop a mobile learning system to help students' learning in clinical contexts. The results show that PDA could support students' learning effectively, yet technological issues relating to wireless connectivity and PDAs had impact on students' usage of mobile devices in the clinical setting.行動學習PDA護理教育Mobile learningPersonal digital assistantNursing education應用行動載具支援護校學生臨床實習Using Mobile Devices to Support Clinical Nursing Practicum Courses