張瓅勻吳逸凡Wu, I-Fan2020-10-192023-09-012020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0006845105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109912有鑑於華語為外語 (CFL, Chinese as a Foreign Language) 之初學者多半身處缺乏漢字沉浸之環境,書寫漢字的過程有眾多不知其然亦不知其所以然的部件組合構成困境,究其原因,多緣由於漢字特性之難認、難記、難讀、難寫,尤其筆畫繁多、結構複雜、字數龐大等等,因此,如何在網路科技日新月異的時代運用智慧型行動裝置減輕學生的學習焦慮及更添學習興趣與效率,成為華語教學中對於漢字學習之顯學一環。本研究旨在探討使用鍵接圖策略之手機應用程式對初級華學習者之漢字習寫成效,且針對教與學雙方面所提出之反饋與建議並依據Rosell-Aguilar (2017) 之評估行動語言學習應用程式框架彙整出一實際有所依循之評估與優化方案。 本研究實驗設計為2×2全受試者內設計,並透過研究參與者回覆之封閉式與結構式問卷,觀察、探討與衡量研究參與者之漢字習寫成效、情意表現及其對APP使用之態度與心得。本研究結果顯示,運用不同學習策略、學習法及認知理論之「我也繪漢字」應用程式較僅使用單一策略之筆順領寫應用程式,於字形產出、字義識記及科技接受模式之各項情意測量表現上均有較高得分與評價;此外,藉此研究提出往後漢字習寫APP結合現行華語教材之可行策略,做為未來研究方向。Most Chinese-as-foreign-language (CFL) beginners live in an environment that lacks Chinese character immersion; moreover, there are substantial unknown and unintelligible components that constitute a predicament in the process of writing characters. The reasons are mostly due to characters are unrecognizable, difficult to remember, difficult to read, and difficult to write, especially with aboundant strokes, complex structures, and characters. Therefore, how to use smart mobile devices APP to reduce learners’anxiety, and to increase learning interest and efficiency in the fast-changing era of Internet Technology that has become a key issue in both Chinese language teaching and learning. The purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of using the APP "Chinese Key-Image Learning" to assist Chinese characters acquisition of CFL beginners, and also to provide feedback and suggestions on both teaching and learning point of view by gathering and aggregating a practical evaluation and an optimized proposal based on the language learning application framework that proposed by Rosell-Aguilar (2017). A 2 × 2 within-subject design is conducted. In addition to learning performance, through closed and open questionnaires returned by participants, we observe, explore and measure the effectiveness and the affective performance of learning Chinese characters, as well as the attitudes towards using the APP. The result of this study shows that compared to a stroke order writing application that uses only a single strategy, the "Chinese Key-Image Learning" APP that uses different learning strategies, teaching methods, and cognitive theories has a better production on writing characters and on meaning recognition. Moreover, the "Chinese Key Image Learning" APP leads to higher ratings on affective performance based on the technology acceptance model. In sum, the findings suggest that for future Chinese character learning APP can be combined with current CFL / CSL textbooks based on this research as a humble opinion.漢字學習鍵接圖以華語為外語創意精緻化學習策略行動智慧裝置應用程式Chinese character learningChinese Key-Image LearningChinese as a Foreign Language (CFL)MnemonicsSmart Mobile DevicesApplication習字應用程式運用於初級華語教學-以《我也繪漢字》為例none