林儷蓉Lin, Li-Jung魏嘉良Wei, Jia-Liang2023-12-082023-08-032023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c488efee1dc4c9cd92c2cc5909109155/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121751新冠疫情的爆發席捲全球,改變人們的日常生活。隨著疫情趨於緩和,後疫情時代的人們更加注重人與自然的和諧共處以及自身身心靈的健康成長。安康旅遊作為一個新興的旅遊模式,其「維持與增進身心靈健康發展」的核心價值順應時代需求,逐漸成為炙手可熱的旅遊新模式。然而現階段關於完整的建構安康旅遊商業模式的研究內容較為缺乏。故本研究意圖針對安康旅遊商業模式進行質性研究與分析。目的為建構安康旅遊商業模式圖。本研究運用商業模式畫布作為研究工具,透過立意抽樣法選取訪談安康旅遊產業相關業者3人,再以半結構式訪談法蒐集資料。將訪談資料重複閱讀並加以歸納後進行分類與編碼,最後再以SWOT分析及主題分析法進行資料的分析與詮釋。本研究結果發現臺灣安康旅遊產業最核心的價值主張是提供舒緩慢性病症的健康促進服務,透過社交媒體及網紅打卡等行銷手法,接觸並吸引目標客群,藉由溫泉水療活動對於健康的實際效益,滿足顧客身心靈健康發展的需求。The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has swept the world and changed people's daily lives. As the pandemic gradually subsides, people in the post-pandemic era pay more attention to the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, as well as their own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As an emerging tourism model, wellness tourism, with its core value of 「sustaining and enhancing holistic health development」 is gradually becoming a popular new tourism trend. However, there is currently a lack of comprehensive research on the construction of a complete business model for wellness tourism. Therefore, this study aims to conduct qualitative research and analysis on the wellness tourism business model, with the goal of constructing a business model canvas. The study uses the business model canvas as a research tool and employs purposive sampling to interview three relevant stakeholders in the wellness tourism industry. Semi-structured interviews are conducted to collect data. The interview data are repeatedly read and then categorized and coded. Finally, data analysis and interpretation are performed using SWOT analysis and thematic analysis methods. The results of this study reveal that the core value proposition of the Taiwan wellness tourism industry is to provide health promotion services for relieving chronic illness. Through marketing techniques such as social media and influencer endorsements, the industry reaches and attracts target customer groups. By highlighting the actual health benefits of hot spring hydrotherapy activities, industry satisfies the needs of customers' physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.溫泉SPA水療SWOT分析帆船圖Hot SpringSPASWOT analysisBusiness Model Canvas以安康旅遊觀點建構臺灣溫泉水療產業商業模式Based on the Wellness Tourism to Construct the Business Model of Spa Industry in Taiwanetd