葉欣誠Yeh, Shin-Cheng陸安Lu, An2019-09-052022-12-312019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060346013S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103584二十一世紀又被稱為資訊爆炸的時代,同時也是民眾環境意識與教育水準提升的時期,在這樣的背景下,我們可以輕鬆地取得環境相關的新聞與資訊。然而,環境教育的概念與範圍眾說紛紜,每個人對之有不同的定義與看法。因此,像是「救樹救地球」、「手下留樹」等標語流行在眾人之間,甚至變成環保人士的座右銘。然而,當民眾聽到這些標語時,並不會多加思考,便依循標語的「指示」行動,卻沒有想到,這些標語可能本身帶有迷思概念,甚至更嚴重的,帶有偏見。 本研究將透過得獎之環境教育教案,研究教師與教案撰寫者對「環境教育」的了解與認知。研究者統整教育部、環保署環境教育圖書館的得獎教案,將其依照「環境議題」、「敘述立場」兩個屬性統整、分類;並分析這些教案中出現的謬誤內容與類別。 研究者依照各教案內容,將環境議題分類為十個類別:分別為能源、動植物保育、環境生態、公害、水資源、氣候、食物、災害、永續生活與海洋;同時也將教案的敘述立場分類為「理性訴求」、「正向感性訴求」、「負向感性訴求」與「道德訴求」四類別。借由分析與統整,找到環境教育教案撰寫者偏好的範圍與議題,並且釐清整理教案撰寫者的敘述方式與立場。本研究亦將教案內容中的謬誤分類為「迷思概念」、「刻板印象」、「偏見」、「概念不完整」、「名詞濫用」等五類別,透過教案的詮釋與分析,了解環境教育教案撰寫著在撰寫教案時的謬誤觀念。 研究結果顯示,一百至一百零四年得獎的環境教育教案中,以「永續生活」作為討論議題的教案占最多數,緊接著是「公害」、「能源」等。環境教育教案撰寫者多以「負向感性訴求」作為其教學引起動機,然而這樣的現象可能教案撰寫者本身並沒有特別的訴求用意,僅是呈現議題相關的概念。在謬誤方面,大部份的教案都難以避免出現謬誤,其中以「迷思概念」以及「概念不完整」為最常出現的謬誤類型。The 21st century, also known as information explosion era, is when we can easily get information about environment from different ways due to the rise of environmental awareness, and of course, education. However, the concept and scope of environmental education are divergent, and its definition and concept of propaganda vary from person to person. Therefore, slogans like “save trees to save earth”, or “land a hand to save trees” had become popular and stayed in our heart as mottos. But without questioning them, we all took actions as soon as we heard those slogans, even if the slogans themselves are designed with misconceptions, or worse, prejudgments. This research collect, analyze and categorize issues, appeals, and fallacies that appear in the award-winning environmental teaching plans and examine the understanding and awareness of "environmental education" among teachers and participants in those campaigns. Though the process of this research, the researcher can therefore find out how teachers' acknowledgement of environmental education. The researcher classified environmental issues into ten categories, according to the content of lesson plans: energy, animal and plant conservation, environmental ecology, pollution, resources, climate change, food and agriculture, disaster, sustainable living and ocean. The lesson plans also, were classified into "rational appeals”, “positive emotional appeal”, “negative emotional appeal”, and “moral appeal” four attributions by how teachers design their teaching plan. The author tried to find the scope and subject of preference of the writers of environmental education plans through analysis and integration. In addition, this research also classified fallacies in into "misconception", “prejudice” "stereotype", "incomplete semantics" and "misnomer" five categories for understanding the fallacy concepts of the writers of environmental education teaching plans. Results showed that among all issues that mentioned in teaching plans, “sustainable living” is the most favorite issue, followed by “pollution” and “energy”. About the appeals that showed in teaching plans, the researcher found that “negative emotional appeals”, especially “fear appeals” are most common in those teaching plans, even if teachers have no intention to use them. Through fallacies examining, researcher found that “misconceptions” and “incomplete semantics” are most common in teaching plans.環境教育教案分析謬誤environmental educationteaching plan analysisfallacies從教案看教師對環境教育的想像:議題、立場與謬誤Analysis of teachers' imagination about environmental education: issues, positions, and fallacies