林振興Lin, Zhen-Xing高莉婷Kao, Li-Ting2024-12-172024-02-022024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/3dfa599673b0336f2beaa7993c62fae3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122178本研究採行動研究法,旨在探究漢字鍵接圖教學策略是否能夠提升關島地區之華語為母語學習者及華語非母語學習者之漢字學習興趣、動機與成效,以及母語和非母語兩者間的學習成效比較。本研究對象為研究者家教班之華語程度初級學生44人,華語為母語學習者及華語非母語學習者各22人,年齡介於5-16歲,平均年齡8歲。依照年齡、程度、華語為母語者、華語非母語者等九個班級同時進行教學與測驗。各班每週上課一次,每次兩小時,除了原課程教學外,另撥出40-45分鐘時間做漢字鍵接圖教學,為期10週。測驗工具為研究者由漢字教材《我也繪漢字I》、《我也繪漢字II》書中挑選出30個目標漢字,設計前測、立即測驗、延宕測驗、後測等測驗卷,以及課程結束後讓受測者填寫的課後問卷調查。研究結果發現:一、漢字鍵接圖教學對華語為母語學習者或華語非母語學習者在漢字學習的興趣及動機皆給予高度肯定與正向回饋。二、漢字鍵接圖教學對華語為母語學習者或華語非母語學習者在漢字學習的成效上,如字形、字音、字義之識記能力均有顯著的提升。三、透過漢字鍵接圖教學,華語非母語學習者之學習成效高於華語為母語學習者。The purpose of this study is to investigate whether teaching Chinese characters with key-image pictures can enhance the interest, motivation, and effectiveness of Chinese character learning among native and non-native Chinese language learners. Further-more, it compares the effectiveness of learning with key-image pictures between native and non-native speakers. The subjects of this study were forty-four Chinese-language students with an elementary level of reading. Of these students, twenty-two were native speakers, and twenty-two were non-native Chinese-language students. The subjects' age range was from 5-16 years old, with an average age of 8 years old. Nine classes were taught and tested simultaneously according to age, level, and whether the learners were native or non-native speakers. Each class met once a week for two hours, and in addition to the original curriculum, an additional forty to forty-five minutes were allocated for teaching Chinese key-image pictures for ten weeks. The test instruments were a pre-test, an immediate test, a delayed test, a post-test, and apost-course questionnaire that the participants completed after the course. The results of the study revealed that:(1)Chinese character key-image picture instruction was highly positive and reward-ing for both native and non-native Chinese language learners' interest and motiva-tion in learning Chinese characters. (2)The effectiveness of Chinese Character key-image pictures, such as the recogni-tion of word forms, sounds, and meanings, was significantly improved for both na-tive and non-native Chinese language students. (3)The mean percentage of improvement in learning effectiveness of non-native students was higher than that of native students.漢字鍵接圖我也繪漢字漢字學習華語為母語學習者華語非母語學習者Chinese Character Key-image PicturesLearning Chinese Characters with DrawingsChinese character learningNative Mandarin speakersNon-native Mandarin speakers鍵接圖教學之識字成效研究-以關島地區為例The Research of Key-Image on ChineseCharacters Learning Effects: A Case Study of Guam專業實務報告(專業實務類)