王雅鈴Wang, Ya-Ling陳彥如Chen, Yen-Ju2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/dd9a255c52a583cb3a8723794fe81e1e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119728現今科技進步蓬勃發展,我國網際網路及智慧型手機普及化。支付型態也隨之改變,行動支付為人們帶來便利及個人化。因此,行動支付也成為目前支付方式的焦點。中高齡者使用資訊科技的目的不盡相同,若能掌握中高齡者使用資訊科技的意圖,將可提高中高齡者對科技的接納度及使用率,進而提高其生活品質。本研究旨在了解促進及抗性中高齡者使用行動支付之預測因子,本研究理論以使用態度與使用行為為基礎,以探究中高齡者使用行動支付之預測因子進行探討與驗證。本研究方法為混合設計,本研究共有兩個研究分別採用深度訪談法與問卷調查法,兩個研究之研究對象皆為45歲以上之中高齡者。研究一為深度訪談法,訪談20位受試者(50-77歲),探究中高齡者使用行動支付的接受與拒斥之因子,以建立後續量表及模式基礎。研究二為進行問卷調查法,研究二之研究工具有研究者自編的行動支付接受量表、行動支付拒斥量表以及Yang等人(2015)、Yeh(2020)與Oliveira等人(2016)的量表改編之行動支付行為量表,設計本研究之問卷後,將各量表透過以預試確立信效度後,正式施測以立意抽樣,包含紙本與網路問卷,共計回收386份有效問卷,再以結構方程模型(structural equation modeling, SEM)來驗證本研究所提出的行動支付接受與拒斥模型,以深入了解增進或阻礙中高齡者採用行動支付的因素。研究結果為不論是接受模式或是拒斥模式,在行動支付有用性與不有用性的部分,皆對使用態度有正向顯著之預測效果;在社會影響與缺乏社會影響皆對有用性與不有用性有正向顯著之預測效果;使用態度對使用行為皆有正向顯著之預測效果。(1)行動支付接受模式:僅行動支付易用性對使用態度有顯著正向之預測效果,而社會影響對行動支付易用性不具顯著之預測效果,且行動支付易用性對使用態度不具顯著之預測效果。(2)行動支付拒斥模式:缺乏社會影響、缺乏隱私保護、不易用性、不有用性皆對使用態度有顯著之預測效果,但不易用性對不有用性不具有顯著之預測效果。Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, the Internet and smart phones are becoming popular in our country. Payment patterns have also changed, with mobile payments bringing convenience and personalization. Therefore, mobile payment has also become the focus of current payment methods. The purpose of using information technology among middle-aged and older adults is different. If we can grasp the intention of using information technology among middle-aged and older adults, it will improve the acceptance and utilization rate of technology among middle-aged and older adults, thereby improving their quality of life. The purpose of this study is to understand the predictors of promoting and resisting the use of action payment among middle-aged and older adults. The method of this study is a mixed design. There are two studies in this study using the in-depth interview method and the questionnaire survey method respectively. The research subjects of both studies are middle-aged and older adults over 45 years old. The first study adopted the in-depth interview method, interviewing 20 subjects (50-77 years old), to explore the factors of acceptance and rejection of the use of action payment by middle-aged and older adults, so as to establish the basis of subsequent scales and models. The second study used a questionnaire survey method. The research tools of the second study included the Mobile Payment Acceptance Scale, the Mobile Payment Rejection Scale and Yang et al. (2015), Yeh (2020) and Oliveira et al. (2016); the Mobile Payment Behavior Scale was adapted from the studies. After designing the questionnaire for this study, the reliability and validity of each scale were established through a pre-test, and then the scale was formally tested for intentional sampling, including paper and online questionnaires. A total of 386 valid questionnaires were collected, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to validate the mobile payment acceptance and rejection model proposed in this study to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that promote or hinder the adoption of mobile payment among middle-aged and older adults. The results of the study indicate that regardless of whether it is the acceptance mode or the rejection mode, in terms of the usefulness and non-usefulness of action payment, there is a positive and significant prediction effect on use attitude; in terms of social influence and lack of social influence, both usefulness and non-usefulness have positive and significant predictive effects. Usefulness has a positive and significant predictive effect; usage attitude has a positive and significant predictive effect on usage behavior. (1) Mobile payment acceptance mode: only the ease of use of mobile payment has a significant positive predictive effect on use attitude, while social influence has no significant predictive effect on the ease of use of mobile payment, and the ease of use of mobile payment has no significant effect on use attitude.(2) The mobile payment rejection model: lack of social influence, lack of privacy protection, ease of use, and unavailability all have significant predictive effects on usage attitudes, but ease of use has no significant predictive effect on non-usability.行動支付中高齡者結構方程模式科技接受模式混合研究middle-aged and older adultsmobile paymentstructural equation modelingtechnology acceptance modelmixed-methods research中高齡者行動支付接受與拒斥因子模式之發展與驗證Development and validation of models of mobile payment acceptance and rejection factors for middle-aged and older adultsetd