李瑛李素君2019-08-292012-02-012019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096023102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92299台灣原住民部落社區大學政策之形成,是受到終身學習思潮、社區總體營造所帶動的回歸地方社區之趨勢,加上原住民菁英之主張與訴求,致使政府自2001年開始規劃推動,並配合相關法源的支持,至2010年止,已設立有15所原住民部大。原住民部大乃由民間非營利組織結合政府與社會資源所建構之以原住民族為主體的終身學習場域,屬非正規的成人教育機制,並以培育部落社區發展人才、促進原住民族文化傳承創新為目的。 本研究旨在以研究參與者的觀點探討都市原住民部大的定位,以及如何兼顧原住民生計與原住民族發展,如何建構原住民部落知識來傳承部落文化特色,又能融入都市現代生活;其所建構之原住民族知識的樣貌又為何?主要透過了解台北市部大的發展背景,探究原住民族知識建構的基礎、方式與架構,並據資料分析之內容與結果作成結論如下: 壹、台北市部大辦學特色: 一、强調文化傳承與民族發展─結合部落文化內涵與現代知識。 二、輔助都會原住民在地發展─建立族人間共同連結與支持。 三、改善原住民社會地位-學習多樣化知識與實用技能、提升原住民工作技能與競爭力。 四、延聘部落師資─擴大原住民菁英參與部落文化復振的責任與機會。 五、促進原漢共同學習─增進相互瞭解、關懷與尊重。 六、全球公民互動與體驗-將部落帶向世界,將世界帶進部落。 貳、台北市部大在建構原住民族知識的基礎 一、原住民族知識之建構應奠基於民族發展與主體論述 二、原住民族知識之建構與能促成族群認同 三、教育資源分配影響原住民族知識建構 參、台北市部大建構原住民族知識的方式 一、透過「族群生活文化」課程傳承傳統文化 二、透過課程連結傳統與現代。 三、透過相關課程,掌握原住民的主體發聲機會。 四、行銷原住民。 五、互動式建構。 肆、台北市部大所呈現之原住民族知識的架構 一、原住民族知識建構的動態性、脈絡性與主體性。 二、建構原住民族知識的架構。 在建議的部分,研究者分為以下三大部分: 壹、對相關單位的建議 一、編列正式預算,健全原住民部大的經營 二、認證原住民族知識的學習成果,重構族群的主體性,並依其主體意願開展民族之永續發展 三、勵優良原住民部大教材,傳承原住民族文化 四、國家政策運作,應廣納原住民族知識觀點 貳、對台北市部大的建議 一、建立原住民族知識建構的對話機制,增設對相關議題之探討 二、加強與原鄉部大間之交流參訪 三、整合人力,發揮原民食玩網站功能、行銷原鄉特色產品 四、擴大與原鄉部大合辦「生態旅遊課程」 五、重視原住民師資的培育養成,鼓勵終身學習 參、對後續研究之建議 一、擴大原住民部大知識建構面向的研究探討,以期開展族群未來發展The government has been promoting Aborigines Community College since 2001. This policy appeared under the trend of lifelong learning and community empowerment, which followed by a call for “returning to the local.” Supported by Native Peoples Basic Law and relating statues, 15 Aborigines Community Colleges have been set up before 2010. Most of these Colleges are established by non-profit organizations, and co-founded by governmental and non-governmental resources. The principle subject of Aborigines Community Colleges is Indigenous Peoples. These Colleges are institutions for informal adult education, and they form specific fields for Indigenous Peoples’ lifelong learning, aiming at cultivating talented leaders and practitioners who can foster tribe-community development and forward preservation and innovation of Aborigine cultures. The construction of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge is the core questionnaire of this essay. This research sets out from the viewpoint of researcher as a participant, discussing how they locate the purpose and function of Aborigines Community College, how they compromise between economic survival and cultural development, and how they construct their own knowledge to pass on tribal cultures while try to join modern urban life. By exploring the background and development of Taipei Aborigines Community College, I reveal the foundation, method and frame of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge construction. I employ content analysis and make conclusions as follows: 1. about the features of Taipei Aborigines Community College, (1) Emphasizing on culture heritage and culture development: combing tribal culture and modern knowledge. (2) Supporting Indigenous Peoples’ local development: strengthening bond and reciprocity among members. (3) Elevating Indigenous Peoples’ social status: providing leaning opportunities of various knowledge and practical skills, and promoting Indigenous Peoples’ working abilities and competitiveness. (4) Employing tribe members as teachers: acknowledging the importance of Indigenous Peoples’ participation in the renaissance of tribe culture, assuring their opportunity to make it happen, and empowering them to take the responsibility. (5) Promoting mutual understanding between Indigenous Peoples and Han Chinese: consolidating their mutual concerns and mutual respect. (6) Realizing global citizens’ experience and mode of interaction: bring the tribe to the world and bring the world to the tribe. 2. about the foundation of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge construction, (1) Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge construction supposed to be founded on Indigenous Peoples’ own discourse of development and subjectivity. (2) Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge construction supposed to be able to consolidate the identity of tribes. (3) Proper educational resources redistribution is vital for Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge construction. 3. about the method used in Taipei Aborigines Community College for Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge construction, (1) Passing on traditional culture heritage through the Tribal Culture in Daily Life course. (2) Combing tradition and modernity through various courses. (3) Securing Indigenous Peoples’ subjectivity and their voice through courses like Week of Citizens and the Training Program for Citizen Journalists. (4) Promoting Indigenous Peoples’ efforts. (5) Employing interactive construction process. 4. about the frame of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge construction in Taipei Aborigines Community College, (1) Emphasizing the dynamics, context and subjectivity of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge construction. (2) Structuring Indigenous Peoples’ own frame of knowledge. As for policy suggestions, I offer ten recommendations as follows: 1. Suggestions to corresponding authorities (1) Formulate budget for Aborigine Community Colleges to improve their financial stability. (2) Certifying the learning achievement of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge, reconstructing Indigenous Peoples’ subjectivity, and supporting their ethnic sustainable development under their will. (3) Awarding outstanding materials for Aborigine Community Colleges, securing Indigenous Peoples’ culture heritage. (4) Bring various Indigenous Peoples’ voices in policy-making process. 2. Suggestions to Taipei Aborigine Community College (1) Establishing communication platform for Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge construction, urging discussion of relating issues during courses. (2) Strengthening the interaction and experience-sharing between Aborigine Community Colleges. (3) Integrating human resources, combining Indigenous Peoples’ Shyokugan Website to develop and market special local product. (4) Holding joint courses for Eco-tourism more frequently. (5) Making efforts to nurture Aborigine teachers, encouraging life-long learning. 3. Suggestions for further research (1) Investigating the knowledge construction of Aborigine Community Colleges from more aspects, to enrich the possibilities for Indigenous Peoples’ future development.原住民原住民族知識台灣原住民部落社區大學知識建構aboriginal peopleIndigenous Peoples' KnowledgeTaiwan aborigines community CollegeKnowledge construction台灣原住民族知識之建構:台北市原住民部落社區大學個案研究