戴建耘程榮凱2014-10-272014-10-272006-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30444本研究以S-P表的應用與理論為基礎,以93學年度四技二專汽車類專業科目為樣本,嘗試建立一套利用S-P表處理技職學生在四技二專統一入學測驗的資料處理模式,可提供高職各班專業教師的教學與評量研究的參考模式。文中首先簡述說明S-P表的意義與特性、四技二專汽車類考科範圍與相關資訊,接著闡述S-P表的研製技術,研究過程中擬建立適當的S-P表數據解讀模式,並以分析松山工農汽車科學生參加93學年度四技二專統一入學測驗汽車類專業科目試題的作答反應組型作為實施分析樣例 。在結果與討論部份,先論診斷學生學習的類型及成效,次述專業試題分析意旨,做為本文部分處理模式之準據。最後,本文認為S-P表對於提昇技職教師在各科專業教學與評量的職能研究有莫大助益:一、以班級資料為主體的模式分析單位,可適合技職學校各班專業教師延伸應用;二、依據S-P表分析資料,診斷學生學習成效,做為教師實施個別輔導之依據;三、教師依據S-P表分析資料,做為確認教學缺失、調整教學策略、診斷試題品質、判定及修改試題的參考;四、學校可結合四技二專統一入學測驗的答題資料,可作為學生落點預測;五、有助於技職各專業科目試題題庫品質分析與考驗的參考模式;六、建構網路測驗將對本研究提供的處理模式,有更直接而有效率的整合效果。This paper has concentered on studying the application of student-problem chart (S-P chart) and study-teach pattern to provide the vocational high schools' teachers for data processing of the Technological and Vocational Schools senior student who participated in the technological and Vocational Schools Entrance Examination (TVSFE). The first section of this paper introduces the significance and characteristics of S-P chart in terms of the relative information of major subject in the field of Automotive Technology from TVSEE The second section explains about how to make S-P chart as well as how to establish the adaptable methods to interpret the information of S-P chart The example will be shown in the c of the response pattern from the Songshan High School of Agriculture and Industry (SAIHS) senior students who participated in the TVSEE during 2004. This paper is based upon the diagnosis of the student's learning pattern, performance and the great meaning of the professional test items in the conclusion and discussion, it has six key pouts which are essential on promoting professional abilities of Vocational High School teachers', analyzed unit of S-P chart is class-based, the diagnosis of students' learning outcome in regards to S-P chart, the diagnosis of test items' quality in accordance with S-P chart, the prediction of students' enrollment combine with the TVSEE data, facilitate the analysis and testing the test quality of the related subjects' test bank, web-based test will prove that it has the most efficiency to match this model.學生─問題表學習成效汽車科注意係數Student-Problem chartlearning performancedepartment of automobilecaution indexS -P 表對汽車類專業科目試題分析之初探The Analysis of Professional Test Items in Automotive Cluster Based on S-P Chart