黃人傑黃寶瑛Huang,Pao-Ying2019-08-282016-08-012019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0892100066%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85718摘 要 自從1987年大甲鎮瀾宮開啟兩岸宗教交流以來,引發台灣信眾前往大陸祖廟進香的熱潮,至今兩岸宗教交流活動日趨頻繁且多元化。本研究試圖探究自1987至2008年,這21年來兩岸宗教交流活動的真實現象,並理清影響兩岸宗教交流活動的因素為何? 針對第一個問題,本研究挑選21年來兩岸宗教交流中較具代表性的五個交流模式,包括尋根謁祖、講經弘法、宗教節慶、慈善救助及宗教學術等模式,加以討論。其次,本研究運用政教關係的理論觀點切入兩岸宗教交流的議題討論,依此作為收集資料的方向指引,也用它來建立研究假設及研究架構。 本研究發現兩岸國家政策、政治體制及宗教政策的變化,提供兩岸宗交流的契機,而宗教因素和政教關係的互動則是強化兩岸宗交流出現的動力。經由五個模式的分析討論,歸納出九項影響兩岸宗教交流的共同因素,其中政治性的因素有三項:1.兩岸政權結束對峙、2.兩岸政權轉型、3.中共國家政策;宗教性的因素有兩項:1.台灣宗教領袖理念與魅力、2.台灣宗教組織與志工等兩項;政教關係的變因有四項:1.兩岸宗教政策與宗教團體互動2.中共以政領教的傳統3.台灣宗教團體自主性高,但尊重兩岸體制4.兩岸政治領袖與台灣宗教領袖互動。 本研究運用政治學與宗教學兩個學科領域中的科際整合概念,歸納出21年來兩岸宗教交流的複雜現象,對政治學中的政教關係論述重新檢討與建構,也為未來政治與宗教互動的現象,奠定新的研究視野。 關鍵字:政教關係、宗教交流、宗教政策、講經弘法、謁祖尋根Abstract Since 1987, Da Jia Jenn Lann Temple has created the the cross-strait religious exchange, which initiated a great fervor of going on the pilgrimage to the ancestral temple in mainland, and so far, the cross-strait religious exchange activities are becoming more frequent and more pluralistic day by day. This article attempted to investigate the fact of the cross-strait religious exchange activities in the 21 years from 1987 to 2008, and try to explore the influencing factors of the cross-strait exchange activities. For the first question, this article chose and discussed deeply five relatively representative exchange patterns among the cross-strait religious exchange over the past 21 years, which included searching the roots and going on the pilgrimage to the ancestral temples, interpreting the doctrines, religious festivals, charitable works, and religious researches, etc. Moreover, this article discussed the issues of the cross-strait religious exchange with the viewpoint of church-state relation; viewed it as a guideline to collect the materials and information and used it to build up the research hypothesis and research structure as well. This article discovered the change in the cross-strait national policies, political systems and religious policies, which carved the opportunities of the cross-strait religious exchange. Meanwhile, the interaction between religious factors and church-state relation was the motivator to strengthen the cross-strait religious exchange. Through the discussion of the above-mentioned five patterns, the author concluded that there were nine common factors which influenced the cross-strait religious exchange. Among them, there were three political factors: 1.the peace cross-strait regime, 2. the changing of cross-strait regime, 3. the mainland national policy, two religious factors: 1. Taiwanese religious leaders’ concepts and charisma, 2. Taiwanese religious organization and volunteers, and four church-state relation factors: 1. interactions between the cross-strait religious policy and religious groups, 2. mainland’s state-over-church tradition, 3. the fact that Taiwanese religious groups were autonomous but respected the cross-strait system, 4. the interactions between cross-strait political leaders and Taiwanese religious leaders. This article applied the integral conceptions in political science and religious to sum up the complex cross-strait religious exchange phenomenon, also review and rebuild the discussion of church-state relation in political science over the past 21 years, and create a new research vision of the interactions between politics and religion in the future. Keywords:church-state relation, religious exchange, religious policy, interpreting the doctrine, roots searching政教關係宗教交流宗教政策講經弘法謁祖尋根church-state relationreligious exchangereligious policyinterpreting the doctrineroots searching兩岸宗教交流模式之研究〈1987-2008〉--以政教關係論述