白瀚宇Bei, Han-Yu2016-04-262016-04-262013-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77228本文透過重新檢視史料與前人研究,試圖將七世紀初至八世紀中葉的唐代里正職權,進行更加細致化的整理。唐前半期的里正職權,大致上可以分成按比戶口、催驅賦役、課植農桑、督察姦非、官民接觸媒介與其他工作。按比戶口與課植農桑的主要目的亦是方便催驅賦役的進行;督察姦非是要穩定基層社會秩序;里正由於官民之間的特殊身份,常成為官民間接觸媒介的角色。此外尚有一些難以分類的工作,亦歸入里正之職權當中,里正還常會被上級官員驅使差遣,因此工作的內容既繁且雜。The purpose of this article is try to sort and clarify the office functions and authority of Tang’s Lizheng more clear by re-survey historical resources and former research. The time range of investigating is 7th century to 8th century middle period. The office function and authority of Lizheng of this period, can sort to 6 categories: census register, to be in charge of taxes and corvee, to supervise farming, surveillance illegals, medium between government and the masses, other works. Census register is the base of Lizheng’s other work; taxes and corvee are the most important things that government is concerned about, census register and supervising farming’s purposes are both mainly for taxes and corvee; surveillance illegals is for stabilizing the order of basic level society; Lizheng usually becomes the medium between government and the masses because of the special position between government and common people. There are some Lizheng’s functions that hard to sort, and Lizheng also been assigned other works and duties by higher commissioners, so the functions and authority of Lizheng is very complicated.里正按比戶口催驅賦役課植農桑督察姦非追呼催督LizhengCensus Registerto be in Charge of Taxes and Corveeto Supervise FarmingSurveillance IllegalsMedium between Government and the MassesArraigning and Hastening七世紀至八世紀中葉唐代里正之職權The Functions and Authority of Tang’s Lizheng During 7th Century to 8th Century Middle Period