方進隆曾茂山2019-09-052003-1-172019-09-052003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000033%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105987摘 要 本研究之主要目的,在探討社區介入策略對國中學生運動行為及體適能的影響,以作為未來學校推展體適能活動的參考和依據。 本研究以台北縣柑園國中700位學生為研究對象,男生379人、女生321人,平均身高158.7公分,平均體重51.2公斤;以不同的社區介入策略,包括:體適能檢測、專題演講、文書宣導、大眾傳播、有獎徵答、校長有約、給家長的三封信及問卷調查等,經過一個學期(四個月)的實施,依據有關變相(健康情形、運動習慣、運動認知、運動態度、和體適能)作前後測驗之後,以統計T考驗等加以分析,結果如下: 一、學生在健康情形、運動習慣及運動認知上有顯著差異(P<.05),但在運動 態度上沒有顯著差異(P>.05)。 二、學生在身高、體重及BMI值的測量上有顯著增加的趨勢(P<.05)。 三、學生在體適能的坐姿體前彎、仰臥起坐、心肺功能、立定跳遠等測驗項目都有顯著進步(P<.05)。 本研究結果顯示,經由一個學期的社區介入,對國中生的健康情形、運動 習慣、運動認知、和體適能等方面皆有正面的影響。Abstract The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of community intervention strategies on exercise behavior and physical fitness among junior high school students. The findings were intended to serve as a reference for schools in their promotion and development of physical fitness activities. A total of 700 students from Ganyuan Junior High School in Taipei County served as the subjects. The average height of the 379 boys and 321 girls was 158.7cm and weight was 51.2kg, In a one-semester (four-month) period, various strategies including physical fitness tests, lectures, graphic propaganda, mass media, prize-winning quiz, and an appointment with the principal, a letter to parents, and questionnaire survey have been implemented and experimented. On the campus, the related variables (including health condition, exercise habit, exercise cognition, exercise attitude and physical fitness) have been tested before and after the intervention. The collected data have been analyzed with t-test, and the results were as below: 1. There were significant differences in health, exercise habit, and exercise cognition (P<. 05), but no significant difference in exercise attitude (P>.05). 2. Height, Weight and BMI value were significant differences (P<. 05). 3. In physical fitness examinations, progress has been found on the items of sit-and -reach, knee-bent sit-ups, cardiopulmonary endurance, and standing long jump (P<. 05). As a result, after one semester community intervention, positive effects have been obtained on perceived health, exercise habit, exercise cognition, and some items of physical fitnessof junior high school students.國中學生體適能運動行為社區介入Community InterventionJunior High School StudentPhysical FitnessExercise Behavior社區介入策略對國中生運動行為及體適能之影響研究以柑園國中為例