秦秀蘭Chin, Hsiu-Lan呂祐慎Lu, Yu-Shen2023-12-082025-07-012023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c3ee81d34637a6784c5287885ff44286/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119718本研究旨在探討臺北市公幼教師對於運用社區資源於教學現場的教學信念、教師們個人背景與外在環境變項對運用社區資源方式的差異影響,以及教學信念與個人背景、外在環境變項與教學困境之關聯性。本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺北市公立幼兒園教師為研究對象,採紙本與電子問卷並行,總計回收有效問卷318份。研究工具為研究者自編問卷「臺北市公幼教師運用社區資源於教學之困境調查研究」,所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等方法進行統計分析,本研究之結論如下:一、 在「運用社區資源的教學信念」方面,教師對於運用社區資源於教學有高度的教學信念,對運用社區資源於教學的態度為正向且支持。二、 在「運用社區資源的方式」方面,不同教師背景變項對於運用社區資源於教學的方式會受教師年齡與任教年資而有所差異。多數教師皆有運用社區資源帶入教室的相關經驗,且比起「將幼兒園延伸至社區」,更傾向運用「將社區資源帶入幼兒園」的方式。運用社區資源的教學方式上,會因班級規模數不同而有所差異。在「將社區資源帶入幼兒園」的教學方式上,則不會因教師背景變項而有所差異。三、 在「運用社區資源的困境」方面,教師使用社區資源時所遭遇到的困境,多數教師同意運用社區資源上會受家長影響,且因不同任教園所區域、不同班級規模數而有差異。至於來自於教師與學校的困境,會因教師任教園所區域、班級規模數而有差異;來自於社區的困境會因教師的年齡而有差異。此外,整體教學困境與來自家長、課程規劃、教師與學校的困境之間具顯著相關。最後則根據研究結論提出具體建議,俾供幼教行政決策、師資培育、 教學輔導及未來研究之參考。The purpose of this study was to explore and investigate the teaching beliefs of public preschool teachers in Taipei city on using community resources in their teaching field, to understand the different influences of teachers’ personal background and external environment variables on the way of using community resources, and to analyze the relevance between teachers’ background, their teaching beliefs and teaching difficulties utilized by preschool teachers when they apply community resources on their teaching.The research adopts the investigation method of the questionnaire. The study population is public preschool teacher in Taipei city. Self-compiled questionnaire“The questionnaire investigation on the teaching difficulties of using community re-sources by public preschool teachers in Taipei city ”was the research tool. A total of 318 valid questionnaires were collected by taking paper and electronic questionnaires in parallel. The data are analyzed and tasted by descriptive statistics , t-test , one-way analysis of variance and Person’s production-moment. The conclusion of this research are as followed:1. In the terms of “The teaching beliefs about using community resources”Most of the public preschool teachers in Taipei city have a high teaching belief in using community resources in their teaching, and they also have positive and supportive attitudes.2. In the terms of “The teaching methods about applying community re-sources”(i) Significance difference in teaching ways about using community resources with teachers’ different backgrounds , it shows the teachers with different age, different service years have difference on applying community resources on teaching.(ii) Most of public preschool teachers in Taipei city have relevant experience in applying community resources to bring them into the classroom, and they prefer to use"bringing community resources into the community" rather than "extending the preschool to the community", they using community resources will vary depending on the number of classes. (iii) In the teaching method of "bringing community resources into preschool", there will be no difference between teachers’ personal background and external environment. 3. In the terms of “The teaching difficulties about applying community resources” (i) Most of public preschool teachers in Taipei city agree thatthe difficulties about applying community resources will be influenced by parents, and the as-pects from parents and curriculum planning have difference depending on teach-er’s teaching area.(ii) From the perspective of teachers and schools , the aspect of the teaching difficulties from parents have difference depending on class sizes, the aspect of the teaching difficulties from community have difference depending on teacher’s age. The teaching difficulties about applying community resources for preschool teachers in Taipei city will vary depending on the area where teachers teach and the number of classes.(iii) There are significant correlations among the three aspects of parents, curriculum planning, teachers and schools among the difficulties faced by teachers in public preschool in Taipei City applying community resources in teaching.Finally, according to the research conclusions, specific suggestions are put forward to serve as a reference for early childhood education administrative decision-making, teacher training, teaching guidance and future research.公立幼兒園社區資源幼兒園教師臺北市public preschoolcommunity resourcespreschool teachersTaipei city臺北市公幼教師運用社區資源於教學之困境調查研究An investigation and research on the teaching difficulties of using community resources by the public preschool teachers in Taipei cityetd