葉樹涵Yeh, Shu-Han洪心怡Hung, Hsin-Yi2023-12-082028-08-082023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8f1a42b2d439c4217eed2fa3ff88f333/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121828根據米堯在樂譜上的記載,此曲是為美國的學生管樂團而寫,並控訴德軍三度佔領法國,致使和平民主的法國人民受到迫害,米堯因此採用了許多法國民謠在這首樂曲中。要探討米堯《法蘭西組曲》樂曲內涵,必須先從米堯個人的生平經歷對其作品風格之影響,以及1944年米堯在美國創作此曲時,所面對的美國學校管樂的發展狀況。再根據曲式分析、不同演出團體的演出與筆者自身帶團所面臨到的情形,做指揮的詮釋探討。According to Milhaud's score , the piece was written for a student wind band in the United States , and accused the German army of three times of occupation of France , resulting in the persecution of the peaceful and democratic French people, so Milhaud adopted many French folk songs in this piece. To explore the connotation of Milhaud Suite Française, op.248, we must first look at the influence of Milhaud's personal life experience on his work style, and the development of American school wind music when Milhaudcomposed this piece in the United States in 1944. Then, based on the analysis of the music style, the performances of different performance groups and the situation faced by the author himself leading the group, the interpretation and discussion of the conductor was made.米堯法蘭西組曲美國管樂團管樂團指揮MilhaudFrench SuiteAmerican Wind EnsembleWind EnsembleConductor米堯《法蘭西組曲》之研究與指揮詮釋The Analysis and Conducting Interpretation ofDarius Milhaud’s Suite Française, op.248etd