柯正峯謝明昭2019-08-292006-8-252019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0892420082%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92514摘 要 本研究旨在分析我國外籍配偶識字教育政策制定,探討外籍配偶識字教育政策問題形成之影響因素、政策規劃之內涵及政策合法化之形式。 為達成研究目的,首先,經由文獻之蒐集、整理與分析,建立研究架構;其次,根據文獻分析結果,編製「我國外籍配偶識字教育政策制定調查問卷」為研究工具。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以立意取樣(purposive sampling)抽取臺灣地區二十五個縣市實際從事外籍配偶識字教育的人員,包括各縣市政府教育行政人員、國小(含補校)行政人員、國小(含補校)教師與成教班教師合計500名受試者。問卷回收率90.4%,有效樣本452名受試者。使用的統計方法包括:次數分配、單因子卡方考驗、二因子卡方考驗及考克蘭Q考驗(Cochran’s Q test)。 本研究獲致下列結論: 一、實際從事外籍配偶識字教育之第一線人員,大都具有大學以上學歷及多年服務年資,有助於外籍配偶識字教育政策推展。 二、我國外籍配偶識字教育政策問題形成之影響因素,包括社會、政治、經濟及教育文化等四個因素。其最主要的影響因素,在社會方面為人口結構的改變,在政治方面為地球村的形成,在經濟方面為職業環境的變化,在教育文化方面為多元文化的影響。 三、我國外籍配偶識字教育政策規劃之內涵,在辦理單位方面,以各級政府與民間團體共同辦理最適宜;在修業時間期程方面,以一至二年修業期程最適宜;在上課時間方面,最適當的上課時間是週一至週五晚上;在教師身分類別方面,以專任教師或兼任教師擔任最適宜;在師資來源方面,最適宜的是現任教師;在課程目標方面,最重要的是培養聽說讀寫算能力;在課程內容方面,最需要的是親職教育;在教師專業培訓課程方面,最需要的是成人教育課程及教材設計;在實施場所方面,最適當的是學校;在實施方式方面,最適合的是課堂上課;在遭遇的困難方面,最大的困難是學員中輟率高;在支援系統方面,最需要的是子女托育。 四、在我國外籍配偶識字教育政策合法化之形式方面,應制定「外籍配偶教育法」,並配合修正補習及進修教育法等相關法規;結合相關資源,積極辦理外籍配偶成人基本教育及國民補習教育,提供外籍配偶便捷之學習機會與管道。 五、不同背景變項之行政人員及教師對於我國外籍配偶識字教育政策規劃內涵的認知有差異。 六、不同背景變項之行政人員及教師對於我國外籍配偶識字教育政策合法化的認知有差異。 根據上述研究結論,謹針對中央與地方教育行政機關提出下列建議,供相關單位參考: 一、對中央教育行政機關之建議 (一)有效掌握外籍配偶識字教育政策問題形成之影響因素,制定良好之外籍配偶識字教育政策。 (二)參採外籍配偶識字教育政策問題由下而上之提出方式。 (三)爭取相關單位支持外籍配偶識字教育政策。 (四)設立外籍配偶識字教育專責單位統籌規劃。 (五)寬籌編列外籍配偶識字教育預算經費。 (六)建立外籍配偶識字教育專業師資培訓制度。 (七)建立外籍配偶識字教育支援系統。 (八)建立外籍配偶語文能力指標。 (九)制定「外籍配偶教育法」,並配合修正補習及進修教育法等相關法規。 二、對地方教育行政機關之建議 (一)爭取地方民意機關支持外籍配偶識字教育政策。 (二)加強外籍配偶識字教育專業師資培訓研習。 (三)精進外籍配偶識字教育多元彈性推展。 (四)結合民間資源執行外籍配偶識字教育。The purpose of this study is to analyze the policy making of foreign-spouse literacy education in Taiwan, while probing into the causes of this policy’s formation, the substance of its formulation, and the methods for its legalization. To achieve this purpose, firstly, research structure is established through document collection, sorting, and analysis; and secondly, on the basis of analyzed results, the “Questionnaire: Policy Making of Foreign-Spouse Literacy Education in Taiwan” is developed as a research tool. This study adopts the approach of questionnaire. By the purposive sampling, a total of 500 people are requested to write the questionnaire, who work on the foreign-spouse literacy education in 25 cities and counties across Taiwan, including educational administrative staff at the local government institutions, administrative staff and faculty at elementary schools (their supplementary education programs inclusive), as well as faculty of adult education programs. The statistical methods that apply to this questionnaire include frequency distribution, one-way χ2 test,two-way χ2 test, and Cochran’s Q test. As a result of the statistical analysis, the following conclusions are brought forward: a. Most of those who work at the front of the foreign-spouse literacy education hold above-Bachelor degrees and have served for years in this area, and that may facilitate the promotion of the Foreign-Spouse Literacy Education Policy. b. The causes that lead to the formation of the Foreign-Spouse Literacy Education Policy involve the four aspects: social, political, economic, and educational& cultural. The major element on each is socially, the change to the structure of population; politically, the formation of the global village; economically, the change to the employment environment; and educationally & culturally, the multiculturalism and pluralism. c. In terms of the substance of the formulation of the Foreign-Spouse Literacy Education Policy, the findings show as follows: l Optimal Administering Agency: in partnership between local government institutions and the private sector; l Optimal Study Period: one to two years; l Optimal Session Schedule: in the evenings, from Monday to Friday; l Optimal Status of the Faculty: full-time or part-time teachers; l Optimal Teaching Resource: incumbent teachers; l Main Program Objective: developing comprehension, speaking, reading, writing, and calculating abilities; l Most-Needed Program Topic: parental education; l Most-Needed Professional Teaching Training: development of programs& teaching materials on adult education; l Optimal Administering Venue: schools; l Optimal Administering Method: lecturing class; l The Hardest Challenge: high dropping-out rates; l Most-Needed Supporting System: childcare. d. In terms of the methods for the legalization of the Foreign-Spouse Literacy Education Policy, the “Act Regarding Foreign-Spouse Education” should be enacted, while the “Supplementary and Continuing Education Act” and regulations pertaining to this regard require concurrent amendments. By the integration of these relevant resources, foundational adult education and remediation education will be greatly administered on foreign spouses to provide them with available learning opportunities and access. e. With variables of their different background, the administrative staff and faculty are apart in cognition of the formulation of the Foreign-Spouse Literacy Education Policy in Taiwan. f. With variables of their different background, the administrative staff and faculty are apart in cognition of the legalization of the Foreign-Spouse Literacy Education Policy in Taiwan. Based on the foregoing conclusions, the following suggestions are provided to the central and local educational government institutions for their reference: I. To the Central Educational Government Institution a. Taking the causes of the Policy’s formation in hand and enacting it in good shape. b. Considering applying the from-bottom-to-top-pattern to the cases that concern about the Policy should arise. c. Winning support of the Policy from institutions concerned with its affairs. d. Establishing an agency specifically in full charge of the planning of foreign-spouse literacy education. e. Funding foreign-spouse literacy education fully in the budget planning. f. Establishing professional teaching training system for foreign-spouse literacy education. g. Establishing the supporting system of foreign-spouse literacy education. h. Working out indicators for the evaluation of foreign-spouse language proficiency. i. Enacting the “Act Regarding Foreign-Spouse Education ” and amending the “Supplementary and Continuing Education Act” and regulations pertinent to this regard. II. To Local Educational Government Institutions a. Winning support of the Policy from local city/county councils. b. Strengthening professional teaching training programs on foreign-spouse literacy education. c. Bettering foreign-spouse literacy education for its plural and flexible development. d. Implementing foreign-spouse literacy education, in partnership with the private sector.外籍配偶識字教育政策制定政策問題形成政策規劃政策合法化Foreign SpouseLiteracy EducationPolicy MakingPolicy FormationPolicy FormulationPolicy Legitimization我國外籍配偶識字教育政策制定之研究