國立臺灣師範大學國文學系郭維茹2015-11-172015-11-172011-06-011019-6706http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/75483本文探討《朱子語類》能性述補結構中「過」、「起」、「去」、「來」四個趨向補語。依據表示趨向、結果、動相三種語義,分析它們在能性式中的表現。若就虛化的進程來看,「來」、「去」已臻至虛補語的階段,而「起」、「過」的語義相對為實,四者的虛化程度可排列為「起<過<來<去」。現代閩南語雖然已大致捨棄近代漢語「V得/不C」能性式的格局,改採來自複句緊縮的「V會/勿會C」結構,但是上述四個趨向詞在其中作為能性補語,可謂以近代的成果為基礎,進而發展出更為豐富的表現。The purpose of this paper is to analyze four directional complements of guo, qi, qu, lai in potential verb-complement structure of Zhuzi yulei. We look into their performance in potential construction based on their functions of directional complement, resultative complement and phase complement. According to the process of semantic bleaching, lai and qu have developed to the stage of dummy potential complement but the meanings of guo and qi are more concrete. The degree of their semantic bleaching can be arranged sequentially as qi<guo<lai<qu. Although in Modern Southern Min we nearly doesn’t use the structure of “V de/bu C”(V得/不C), we use the contraction of composite sentence - “V e/bue C”(V會/勿會C) instead. However, the above four directional verbs ,being complements of potential construction, have become plentiful based on the production of Modern Chinese.朱子語類述補結構趨向補語閩南語動相補語Zhuzi YuleiVerb-complement structureDirectional complementSouthern MinPhase complement《朱子語類》能性述補結構中的幾個趨向補語--兼與閩南話相較Some Directional Complements in the Potential Verb-Complement Construction of Zhuziyulei--Compared with Southern Min Dialect