黃虹慈劉顯親2014-10-272014-10-272005-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12018學術英文研究一向偏重英美本國人文本分析,近年來已走向學生文本分析,但卻很少深入比較課程活動及內容對文本所產生之影響。本文報導一門研究生「學術英文寫作」課程之教師行動研究之過程、結果及應用。此研究含二十二位理工科碩博士班學生, 修習一門兩學分、一學期之寫作課程;課程內容含「言步分析」、說明文寫作及課堂小組討論活動、作業及網路教材。為了解教學成娃,我們以限時課堂寫作一段學術論文之「結果」部份當學期初及學期末前後測,並施以一份評量問卷及一份學習需求調查問卷。依循前人研究,我們對學生作文以言步及幾項學術文本風格特徵進行比較,發現學生在學期末大部份特徵呈現進步,例如能充份掌握言步、口語字彙越少、寫法較客觀、較懂得用委婉詞說明研究結果。作文平均總長及句長都增加;學生對此課程大致表示滿意也指出學習需求。最後,我們針對學生論文寫作之學習及教師教學過程,提出一些建言。Graduate students in Taiwan face the chal1enge of learning to write English academical1y in a relative1y short period of time. Although some studies have been conducted to compare writing from Taiwanese students and that from native speakers, little is known on how students' academic writing ability develops or the relation of types of development to course content and methodology. By mainly adopting Bibers'(1988) multidimensional analysis and Shaw and Liu's (1 998) academic linguistic variables, this paper examines whether a sernester-long 2-credit expository writing course can have an impact on guiding graduate students to write in a more academic rnanner under an action research project. Twenty-two graduate students from a semester-Iong expository writing course participated. ln the beginning, a questionnaire of needs analysis was distributed to understand leamers' expectations about learning English. Pre-semester and post-semester timed in-class essays were analyzed. Frequencies of register features analyzed include five factors typical in academic writing: impersonality, forrnality, explicitness, syntactic structures, hedging, and spoken metadiscoursal formulae. For the course syl1abus, typical textbooks in print, online rnaterials and in-class exercises were incorporated. The register features of student writing indicated that mostly leamers moved toward a style more academic-like with an increase of obligatory moves, formal style, and use of some metadiscoursal rnarkers. They pointed out learning needs of their graduate study, and they thought several aspects of the course were effective and helpful for their writing needs. Reflections on improvement ofthe course are discussed.言步文本特徵專業學術英文教師行動研究English for academic purposesMoves analysisMultidimensional analysisAn Action Research Study of an Academic English Writing Course for Graduate Students in Taiwan研究生學術英文寫作課程之教師行動研究:學生需求、課程意見及寫作文本之風格分析