林玉体 博士許文瑞2019-08-282007-7-102019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0690000329%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90013摘 要 本研究旨在探討傅斯年高等教育思想形成中相關影響因素,並綜論傅斯年的教育思想之主要基調,及對大學「學術自主」之主張。再者,從「師資聘任」、「課程規劃」、「四六事件」、「台大醫院改制」、「對學生之生活互動、要求」及「保障台籍師生出國留學之理念與作為」等。從中分析傅斯年於治理台大中高等教育思想之轉變,甚至是理念與現實的落差;其中蘊藏的權力糾葛,以及對台灣大學轉型發展之影響,並進一步評價之。本研究結論主要為以下數端: 一、傅斯年高等教育思想係從早期於1920年留學英德之經驗,廣泛地吸收現代知識,到出掌中山大學文學院院長及出任北大代理校長的動態形成歷程。經過相關實務工作試煉,逐步修正他心中理想大學的藍圖。 二、傅斯年高等教育思想之基調-民族主義與自由主義的雙重奏 傅斯年整體的教育思想基調不脫「民族主義」、「自由主義」兩者的交互作用。民族主義的基調反映在「反日」、「反共」的立場上,因此與國民黨保持一定的良好關係,於治理台大期間傾向「去日本化」策略。 自由主義的基調使傅斯年整體教育思想中,重視教育的多元化發展如:教科書多元化、反對中小學讀經運動等教育自由化之主張。並展現在維護台大的學術自主、學生運動的包容上。 三、傅斯年治理台大的「變」與「不變」-進出理想與現實 (一)出掌台大階段傅斯年高等教育思想的幾個轉向: 1.現實結構的限制:從早期欣賞「講座制」到走向「學分制」。2.身份與理念之異處:從「參與學生運動」到「處理學生運動」。3.重視大學與社會輿論之關係。4.肯定師範教育的「功能性」價值。5.提出女性接受高等教育之觀念。 (二)傅斯年高等教育思想的一貫主張:傅斯年一貫堅持大學的「學術自由」、堅持「對學生的愛護」。 四、傅斯年對戰後台大轉型發展之幾項重要影響與評價 傅斯年於無形的精神遺產以及有形的制度奠基,皆對台大產生重大的影響,並與哈佛大學校長J.B.Conant、北大校長蔡元培大學理念有融通之處。Abstract This thesis sheds light on the factors that attribute to the thought of Fu Ssu-nien on higher education, the essence of his educational thoughts and the claims of “Academic Freedom” in higher education. Furthermore, based on several aspects including “the employment of faculty,” “dealing with the Incident of April Sixth,” “reorganization of National Taiwan University (NTU) Hospital,” “the interaction with students and his requirements to them,” “the notion and practice ensuring the right to study abroad of those teachers and students born in Taiwan,” the research elucidates and evaluates the shift of Fu’s educational thoughts when he was in charge of National Taiwan University, even the gap between his ideal and practice, the power relationship within, and its influence on the change and development of NTU. The primary conclusions of this research are as followed: 1. Fu’s thought on higher education was formed dynamically from his studying in UK and Germany, where he absorbed modern knowledge in 1920’s to his incumbency of the dean of liberal art in National Sun Yat-Sen University and the acting president of Beijing University. It is the practical experience that has Fu amend his image of ideal university. 2.The core of Fu’s thought on higher education – a symphony composed of nationalism and liberalism: Fu’s entire thought on higher education was circumscribed by the reciprocity between “nationalism” and “liberalism” without exception. The nationalist half was manifested in his anti-Japan and anti-communism stance, the reason for his intimacy with KMT and penchant for de-Japanese maneuver when he was in charge of NTU. The liberalist half caused him to pay much attention to the multiple developments of education – the diversification of textbooks, the opposition to Canon-Reading Movement in elementary and junior high school and other propositions concerning the liberalization of education manifested in his insistence on academic autonomy of NTU and toleration of student activism. 3.“Changing” and “unchanging” in the administration of NTU by Fu – oscillation between ideal and practice: (1) Certain transformations in the period when Fu was in charge of NTU: A. The conditioning of practicability: from “seminar system,” appreciated by Fu in early periods, to “credit-based system.” B. The disparity between the present position and personal convictions: from “participation in student movement” to “transaction of student movement.” C. Serious attention paid to the relationship between university and public opinion. D. Affirmation of normal education’s “functional” value. E. Advocacy of women’s right to receive higher education. (2) The insistence in Fu’s thought on higher education: Fu persisted in “academic freedom” and “the care for students.” 4. Fu’s influences on and evaluation of the postwar transformations and developments of NTU: On both of the aspects of the foundation of concrete institutions and the inheritance of abstract spiritual legacy, Fu was a great influence, and had similarities with J. B. Conant, the president of Harvard University, and Ts’ai Yűan-p’ei, the president of Beijing University, with respect to ideals of university.傅斯年台灣高等教育台灣大學四六事件台大醫院Fu Ssu-nienhigher education of TaiwanNational Taiwan Universitythe Incident of April SixthNational Taiwan University Hospital動盪中的堅持-傅斯年高等教育思想與戰後台灣大學之轉型發展