吳美美Mei Mei Wu2019-08-122019-08-122017-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80596本文思考網路時代知識組織的相關發展,首先討論為什麼用知識組織來取代過去常用的資訊組織,並從馮道的啟發來提醒知識組織必先確定知識的範圍;其次討論網路環境中知識組織的思考,網路時代的知識組織方法,和傳統知識組織最大的不同,在於網路時代的資訊物件的界線不復存在,資訊和知識互聯的特質,促使知識組織的概念和方法產生根本變革,從傳統以單一資訊物件為知識組織單元的孤島式知識組織,演進為多面向知識組織方法,但其功能都仍以辨識和搜尋知識為主,語意網絡化的知識組織,允許知識重新建構組織,賦予新的知識詮釋,形成更全面的知識開展,這是在網路時代,知識組織方法發展之後,對人類知識理解的新的貢獻;最後列舉知識組織處理人類全體知識、領域知識、社群知識和個人知識的案例,論述和辯證知識組織新進的發展,並檢討現代知識組織所需要的新知能。This article argues that the biggest difference between the knowledge organization method and the traditional information organization in the Internet age is that the boundaries of information objects in the Internet age no longer exists, the interconnected characteristics of information and knowledge, and the concept and method of knowledge organization are fundamentally changed. From the island‐like knowledge organization for the single information object as the knowledge organization unit, evolving to the multi‐faceted knowledge organization method, of which the major functions are to identify and search for information. The Semantic Web approach of knowledge organization allows remapping and reconstructing new knowledge in terms of interpretation and thus offering new insights of knowledge. This article addresses the related theories and cases of such knowledge organization to highlight the new development of dialectical knowledge organization.分類理論知識組織鏈結資料知識本體語意網絡Classification TheoryKnowledge OrganizationLinked DataOntologySemantic Web關於網路時代知識組織的幾個思考Some Thoughts on Knowledge Organization in the Web Era