吳正己黃文廷2019-08-292012-2-212019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696080101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93001本研究目的在探討一人一機合作學習環境中學生同儕互動及師生互動。研究採準實驗設計,參與者為臺北市某國小五年級8個班的240位學生,其中4個班123人為實驗組,4個班117人為控制組。研究的自變項為學生在合作學習環境中是否使用一人一機環境,依變項為學生同儕互動及師生互動行為。研究結果發現在一人一機合作學習環境中:(1)學生有較多查詢資料行為,(2)學生容易分工進行學習活動,(3)教師有更多時間回應個別學生的問題,(4)學生較能夠自主學習。建議教師可利用一人一機合作學習環境增進教學,但宜注意學生的學習可能分心的狀況;後續研究建議探討不同學科或年段實施一人一機教學,及延長教學實驗時間。The purpose of this study was to investigate the teacher-student and student-student interaction behaviors in a one-to-one computing facilitated collaborative learning environment. A quasi-experimental design was conducted in this study. Two hundreds and forty elementary students participated in this study, 123 students who learned in the one-to-one environment served as the experimental group, and 117 who learned in a traditional environment served as the control group. The independent variable of the study was the learning environment, whereas the dependent variables were teacher-student and student-student interaction behaviors. The results showed that students in the one-to-one environment learned more actively, had more information-searching behavior, and were more likely to collaborate than those in the traditional environment. We also found that teacher in the one-to-one learning environment tended to interactive with individual students rather than with a group. It is suggested that teachers could use the one-to-one computing environment to facilitate instructional management and students’ learning process; however, cautious should be on the possible distraction from using the individual computing device. Future studies should explore the effects of one-to-one computing learning environment with longer period of experiment treatment and on different subjects and different grade levels.一人一機合作學習互動行為一人一機合作學習環境中的師生互動分析