吳美貞Wu, Mei-Chen陳雅瀞Chen, Ya-Ching2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060021069L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97390隨著外籍英師的優勢被廣泛地討論,他們的教學對於學生實質的語言學習幫助愈發值得探討。在目前的研究中,卻缺乏相關研究,因此本研究主要目的為探討外籍英師對於年輕外語學習者的英力理解能力及聽力焦慮的影響。本研究主軸有二; 其一為檢視在外籍英師的訓練下,學習者聽力理解能力的培養過程及結果。 其二為檢視在外籍英師的教導下,學習者的聽力焦慮感的變化。為求研究結果的綜整性,質性的研究工具以及量性的研究工具皆會被使用,如聽力測驗、問卷、課室觀察及訪談等。 研究結果顯示,學習者的聽力理解能力在外籍英師的教學下有顯著提升。在研究中並發現學習者除了聽力測驗成績有顯著進步外,對於語言的敏感度、對目標語及目標文化的了解也整個有所提升。而聽力焦慮方面,量化研究結果呈現上升狀態; 質化研究結果則顯示學習者認為聽外師教學是一件享受且放鬆的事情。 最後根據研究結果對於英語教學及未來研究方向提供幾點建議,祈能更深入探討國內外籍英師在英語教學中扮演之角色。While the advantages of native English speaking teachers in English class have been discussed, the actual effects of native English teachers’ instruction to particular language skill are relatively unexplored. The study aims to investigate the impacts of native English speaking teachers on young foreign language learners’ listening comprehension and listening anxiety level. There are two foci of the research. First, both the result and the process of learners’ listening comprehension development is prudently examined. Second, as listening anxiety might play a role in listening performance and language acquisition, it is carefully investigated. Quantitative and qualitative data collection tools such as listening comprehension test, questionnaires, observations, and interviews are utilized in the research. The findings suggest that the learners make a great progress in listening comprehension by learning with the native English speaking teacher. The progress is not limited to their performance on the listening comprehension test but extends to the sensitiveness to linguistic features of English, and the broaden scope of knowledge of the language and the culture. With respect to listening anxiety, the statistics do not demonstrate the native English speaking teacher’s impacts after six months. Nevertheless, most of the learners seem to view listening as a joyful and relaxing activity when listening to the native English speaking teacher after six months. These findings have implications for the educational settings and local English teachers.外籍英師聽力理解聽力焦慮Native English speaking teachers (NETs)Listening comprehensionListening anxiety一位外籍英師教學對英語聽力理解及聽力焦慮之影響:以北部郊區一所國小五年級學童為例The Impact of a Native English Speaking Teacher on Listening Comprehension and Listening Anxiety: An Exploratory Study on Fifth Graders in A Rural District in Northern Taiwan