王維菁Wang, Wei-Ching紀婉婷Chi, Wan-Ting2019-08-282020-01-012019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060037016F%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85076大眾傳播媒體本應肩負的社會責任,卻因現今的商業利潤導向以及市場惡性競爭,造成媒體依賴廣告主以及報導內容上的惡質化,使公民退化成消費者,大眾媒體也因此失去了所應扮演的角色與功能,而另類媒體在此情況下應運而生,彌補了大眾媒體所缺乏的社會功能,但往往因為採取非營利的經營方式,缺少資源挹注而面臨困境。 在這樣的情況下「社會企業型媒體」逐漸興起,成為一個解決另類媒體經營困境的可能之道,而《四方報》是台灣目前成立最早的社會企業,目前為華文地區最大的移民媒體。因此本研究以《四方報》作為研究對象,採取個案研究法探討《四方報》的經營模式。 研究發現,《四方報》雖然採用社會企業經營模式,但因為目前仍隸屬於世新大學底下,經濟仍非完全獨立自主,在本研究的研究期間正處於準備脫離世新大學的轉型震盪期,因此不斷尋求更多的收入管道,如承接多元合作專案或考慮發展群眾募資等方式增加收益來源,甚至考慮減少不獲利語種的報紙販售,因此造成《四方報》內部管理階層與編輯間的意見衝突,形成商業邏輯與社會目的間的拉扯。 但本研究認為若媒體將自身定位為社會企業,便應該在面對社會目的及服務對象時誠實、透明與公開,如公佈明確的合作對象與透明的資金來源、盈餘分配及社會服務成果,才能成為真正值得大眾信賴的社會企業型另類媒體。並且為了穩定發展,社會企業型另類媒體應該不段檢視社會服務對象需求,與時俱進,且除了注重企業績效的穩定外,更應該制定評量機制隨時檢驗自身的社會影響力。The mass media ought to bear certain responsibilities to society. However, pulled by the need of today's businesses to turn a profit and subject to vicious market competition, the media has become reliant on advertisers. This reliance and the worsening quality of reporting reduces the public into the role of consumers. Because of this, the media no longer plays the role it should or performs its function. These circumstances should see the birth of alternative media to fill the social functions the mass media fails to perform. However, because alternative media outlets often run on a non-profit basis, they lack the resources they need and therefore run into difficulties. This situation has led to the gradual rise of "social enterprise media", which has become a possible path for solving the problems of running alternative media outlets. "4-Way Voice" is the earliest social enterprise media company established in Taiwan. It is currently the largest media outlet for immigrants to the Chinese-speaking world. This study investigates "4-Way Voice’s" business model by examining case studies. This study demonstrates that while "4-Way Voice" uses the business model of a social enterprise, its affiliation with Shih Hsin University means that it is not completely financially independent. During the period this research was conducted, "4-Way Voice" was in the midst of a period of shocks as it prepared to separate itself from the university. "4-Way Voice" was in a constant search for new sources of income, such as multifaceted collaborations with other organizations or crowdfunding. "4-Way Voice" even considered abolishing sections of unprofitable languages in the newspaper. This created a clash of opinions between "4-Way Voice's" management and its editors, and turned into a tug-of-war between business logic and social goals. This research supports the idea that if a media organization positions itself as a social enterprise, it should be truthful, transparent, and open when facing its social goals and its audience. A media outlet can only become a social enterprise media organization worthy of public trust when it is transparent about who its partners are, where its income comes from, how it distributes surplus income, and what it does for society. Furthermore, to ensure stable development, social enterprise media organizations must constantly review the needs of those they serve, moving together with the times. In addition to focusing on the stability of their business performance, they must also formulate evaluation mechanisms to examine their social influence whenever necessary.四方報社會企業社會企業型媒體經營模式4-Way Voicesocial enterprisesocial entrepreneurial mediabusiness model另類媒體的社會企業經營模式─以《四方報為例》A study on business model of social entrepreneurial media: A case of 4-Way Voice