吳明雄Ming-Hsiung Wu陳建宏Chien-Hung Chen2019-09-042008-7-262019-09-042007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0892700074%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99268本研究之目的在發展學校服務品質對學生忠誠度因果模式,研究對象為我國技職院校日間部四技學生。根據開放式問卷調查結果發展自填式問卷,郵寄問卷調查30所學校,回收有效問卷1065份(回收率82.9%)。使用LISREL統計軟體進行結構方程模式分析,各分量表之信度與效度良好,研究模式適配度佳。重要研究結果如下: 一、服務品質對於忠誠度的主要影響路徑為:服務品質→顧客價值→顧客心情→滿意度→組織認同→忠誠度。 二、服務品質對滿意度直接影響效果.32,間接影響效果.37,整體影響效果.69。滿意度對忠誠度直接影響效果.30,間接影響效果.56,整體影響效果.86。服務品質對忠誠度不具直接影響作用,間接影響效果.59。 三、學生對於服務品質、顧客價值、滿意度持負面看法,對於顧客心情、組織認同、忠誠度持正面看法。 四、學校別及社團參與兩個基本變項與服務品質、顧客價值、顧客心情、滿意度、組織認同、以及忠誠度等有較大的關聯強度。 五、高低符合期望品質群別、學校別、有無社團參與群別,對研究模式之徑路係數具有調節作用。 本研究最後提出提升教育服務品質之建議,提供教育機構參考。The purpose of this study was to develop a causal model of service quality affecting student’s loyalty in technical colleges. The quantitative questionnaire was developed based on the result of the pilot study using open-ended questionnaire survey. The sample of quantitative questionnaire survey included 1,065 students from 30 four-year technical colleges. Structural equation modeling was employed for model testing by using LISREL statistics software. Results indicated adequate fit of the proposed model. The following results were found: 1. The main affecting path between service quality and customer loyalty was from “service quality” to “customer value” to “customer mood” to “customer satisfaction” to “organizational identification” to “customer loyalty”. 2. The direct effect, indirect effect and total effect of service quality on customer satisfaction were .32, .37 and .69. The direct effect, indirect effect and total effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty were .30, .56 and .86. The direct effect of service quality on customer loyalty was not significant, and the indirect effect was .59. 3. The students hold negative attitudes about service quality, customer value and customer satisfaction. And they hold positive attitudes about customer mood, organizational identification and customer loyalty. 4. Among the socio-demographic variables, school variable and involvement in student clubs had the highest strength of association with service quality, customer value, customer mood, customer satisfaction, organizational identification and customer loyalty. 5. The group of high or low confirmation level of service quality, the experience about involvement in student clubs and school variable had moderator effects on some paths in the model. Based on the study findings, the conclusions and suggestions for improving the service quality of technical colleges were proposed.技職院校技術學院科技大學服務品質顧客價值顧客心情滿意度組織認同忠誠度technical collegeinstitutes of technologyuniversity of technologyservice qualitycustomer valuecustomer moodsatisfactionorganizational identificationloyalty技職院校服務品質對學生忠誠度因果模式發展之研究Developing a Causal Model of Service Quality Affecting Students’ Loyalty in Technical Colleges