程景琳吳志文Cheng, Ching-LingWu, Chih-Wen袁欣如Yuan, Hsin-Ju2022-06-082021-07-222022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/befd9b93549ea54cab7812298d826e11/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116781本研究目的為探討成年初顯期階段之成人依戀、自主性與關係衝突因應之關聯,並檢驗自主性在此關聯間之中介效果。研究對象為213對男女伴侶,年齡介於20至30歲,所採用的研究工具為「成人依戀安全傾向量表」、「親密關係自主性量表」及「親密關係衝突因應量表」。本研究在控制「交往時間」與「爭吵頻率」後,透過行動者與伴侶相依模式及結構方程模型分析進行資料處理,並區分為個體層次與對偶層次。在個體層次中的研究結果為:(一)安全依戀傾向可以顯著正向預測個體的個體化自主性與關係自主性;(二)安全依戀傾向可以顯著正向預測個體採用部分適應性因應策略之傾向;(三)安全依戀傾向可以顯著負向預測個體採用非適應性因應策略之傾向,但部分策略僅在男性或女性中有顯著效果;(四)個體化自主性與關係自主性可以分別顯著正向或負向預測個體採用不同的關係衝突因應策略之傾向;(五)自主性在成人安全依戀傾向與關係衝突因應之間具部分中介效果。在對偶層次中的研究結果為:(一)個體的安全依戀傾向可以顯著正向預測其伴侶的關係自主性;(二)僅男性的安全依戀傾向可以顯著負向預測其伴侶採用非適應性因應策略之傾向;(三)僅女性的個體化自主性與關係自主性可以分別顯著正向或負向預測其伴侶採用不同的關係衝突因應策略之傾向;(四)自主性在成人安全依戀傾向與關係衝突因應之伴侶效果中不具中介效果。最後研究者依據研究結果對輔導實務工作及未來研究方向提出建議。The purpose of this study was to examine the associations among adult attachment, autonomy and conflict-coping strategies in romantic relationships during emerging adulthood, and further investigated whether autonomy would mediate the relationship links between adult attachment and conflict-coping strategies in romantic relationship. The participants were 213 heterosexual couples, in the age range of 20 to 30. The measurement tools used in this study were the Chinese version of “Adult Attachment Security Scale”, “Romantic Relationship Autonomy Scale”, and “Romantic Partner Coping Strategies”. After controlling for “interaction time” and “conflict frequency”, the study used Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) and Structure Equation Model (SEM) to analyze the data by individual level and dyadic level. The results of the individual-level analysis were: (1) emerging adults’ tendency of security attachment positively predicted their individuating autonomy and relating autonomy; (2) emerging adults’ tendency of security attachment positively predicted their tendency to adopt certain types of adaptive coping strategies; (3) emerging adults’ tendency of security attachment negatively predicted their tendency to adopt non-adaptive coping strategies, but gender differences were observed in certain strategies; (4) emerging adults’ individuating autonomy and relating autonomy positively or negatively predicted their tendency to adopt different coping strategies respectively; (5) emerging adults’ autonomy partially mediated the association between tendency of security attachment and conflict-coping strategies in romantic relationship. The results of the dyadic-level analysis were: (1) emerging adults’ tendency of security attachment positively predicted their partners’ relating autonomy; (2) only male adult’s tendency of security attachment would negatively predict their partners’ tendency to adopt non-adaptive coping strategies; (3) only female adults’ individuating autonomy and relating autonomy would positively or negatively, respectively, predict their partner’s tendency to adopt different coping strategies respectively; (4) in terms of partner effect, there was no significant mediating effect of autonomy in the association between emerging adults’ tendency of security attachment and their conflict-coping strategies in romantic relationship. Based on the findings, limitations of the present study, practical implications and suggestions for future research were presented.成人依戀雙元自主性關係衝突因應行動者與伴侶相依中介模式adult attachmentdual model of autonomyconflict-coping strategies in relationshipactor-partner interdependence mediation model成年初顯期情侶之成人依戀、自主性及關係衝突因應之關聯:以行動者與伴侶相依中介模式探討The Associations among Adult Attachment, Autonomy, and Conflict-Coping Strategies between Romantic Partners in Emerging Adulthood: An Analysis of the Actor-Partner Interdependence Mediation Model學術論文