顏瑞隆Jui-Lung Yen2016-05-062016-05-062014-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78461融合教育在臺灣已經推動超過二十年,透過各界的努力,在教育現場有長足的進步,但是許多研究仍然顯示臺灣的融合教育有成長的空間,因此本文期望透過引用經濟社會領域的概念,從不同的觀點來討論臺灣融合教育的發展。社會資本是以社會參與、社會網絡和社會情感所共構的資本概念,本文認為融合教育應透過社會資本概念的運作,強化內部組織的情感、加強組織間的連結和社會參與的密度,厚實融合教育的社會資本,以利融合教育未來的發展。An inclusive education policy has been implemented for more than twenty years in Taiwan. Due to our efforts in all aspects in the field of education, we have made significant progress in inclusion. However, many studies have shown that inclusion in Taiwan still needs to be improved. Thus, the purpose of this article attempts to discuss the development of inclusion in Taiwan through various points of view within the concept of social capital. Social capital is the notion referring to the collective value of social engagement, social networks, and social bonding. Emphasizing in-group bonding, enhancing the connection of social networks, and encouraging social engagement will support the reform process of inclusion in Taiwan and also will foster innovative thinking about inclusion.融合教育社會資本inclusionsocial capital從社會資本觀點談臺灣融合教育的發展The Development of Inclusion in Taiwan-from the Perspective of Social Capital